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Minhogim, Gimmel Tamuz Info and Schedules

Click here for the Rebbe’s letter of Minhogim to be observed on a Yortziat

The “Pan Kloli” will be read at 12:00pm on Tuesday at the Ohel.

The Rebbes House will be open for Davening tonight; Maariv 9:30pm, and tomorrow; Shacharis 9:30am, and Mincha 3:15pm

Mikvah Meir on Kingston & Montgomery will have extended hours, Monday morning (Beis Tammuz) until Tuesday 8pm (Gimmel Tammuz).

The Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengens will take place Tonight, Monday at Bais Rivkah Campus Chomesh and at 770.

Zaki Tamir, Candidate Elect, 1st Post Election Interview was first to interview Zaki Tamir after he won the elections. Mr Tamir spoke about what he intends to do this term, saying that it is going to be a term of growth. He added that he is only going to answer to the Crown Heights residence themselves.

Summer Chinuch Kinusim to Highlight Children’s Social and Emotional Relationships

The Summer Chinch conferences organized annually by the Merkos Chinuch Office will highlight the Midos Tovos and children’s social and emotional relationships. The Kinusim will be held at the Radisson Hotel, Piscataway NJ on July 26th and 27th for women and on August 9th and 10th for men.

Is There Life in Lubavitch Outside of Shlichus?

For the first time ever Rabbi Manis Friedman and Rabbi Yossi Palteil will come together to adress the needs of our growing young community. How does one find inspiration in a post Gimmel Tamuz era? How does one make the Rebbes message resonate within the realities of todays world? Can one feel Lubavitch if they are not going out on shlichus?


Info to be Menachem Avel Galibov and Bam

Reb Michoel Galibov and Mrs. Mazal Bam are seating shiva Chaya Sorah Brohah Svetah Galibov, who passed away Sunday Rosh Hodesh Tamuz.

They are sitting at 456 Brooklyn Ave, Apt 3E [between Empire Blvd and Sterling Pl]

Shachris 8:15 AM
Mincha, Maariv – bezman

Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.

Ground Breaking for Mivkah Mei Chaya Mushka

Faivish Pewzner lays the cornerstone.

A rock from the foundation of 770, along with sawdust from the floor of the Rebbes floor and one of the shovels used at the laying of the cornerstone of 770, mixed together with a dose of lechaim marked the laying of the cornerstone of the new woman’s Mivkah in Crown Heights.

Zaki Tamir Elected, Runoff to Determine 2 More

In a chaotic and tumultuous day, which drew out a record number of voters, the only victor turned out to be Zaki Tamir who is the only candidate to secure over 50% of the vote. An additional 2 are needed to meet the minimum of 3 required to run the Vaad, and there will be a runoff between candidates Shea Hecht, Yossi Hackner and Fishel Brownstein.

Gaboim Election Results

A total of 1932 ballots were confirmed in the elections for Gaboim, and a candidate would require a minimum of 967 to be elected as Gabbai, the winners are Menachem Gerlitzky, Avrohom Holtzberg, and Yosef Losh. Zalman Lipsker made it by with 3 votes and his will be recounted.

Australian Shluchim Gather for Special Melaveh Malkah

Special Melaveh Malkah for the Shluchim of NSW and the ACT, Australia with International Guest Speaker Rabbi Shmuel Lew SHLITA

SYDNEY — This Moitzoai Shabbos Kodesh, Rosh Chodesh Tamuz, the Yeshiva Centre – Chabad headquarters of NSW under the Auspices of Rabbi Pinchus Hacohen Feldman SHLIT”A Head Shliach of NSW, Australia, organised a special Melaveh Malkah for the Shluchim of NSW and the ACT with International Guest Speaker Rabbi Shmuel Lew SHLITA.

Wounded Israeli Soldiers Visit White House

By Efrat Schochet

Wednesday June 9th saw the continuation of the “Belev Echad Tour”, a program treating ten wounded IDF soldiers to a ten day tour of the U.S., hosted by Rabbi Uriel and Shevy Vigler of Chabad Israel Center of the Upper East Side in conjunction with Chabad Terror Victims Project in Israel.