Picture of the Day

This still image taken from a Hamas propaganda video shows the moment before a terrorist runs out and plants an explosive under the tank flying the Mashiach flag. The video cuts out right after the explosion. Picture number two shows the tank after the explosion with some slight wear and tear.

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Picture of the Day

Following a reversal of policy by Israel’s Ministry of Defense, the headstone of Yisroel Yudkin HY’D, an officer in the IDF and Chabad Chossid who was killed while fighting in Gaza, was placed with the acronym for Hashem Yakum Damo. This picture was posted to X by Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Picture of the Day

In a meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem with William Daroff, CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was seen with a copy of the new book “Make Peace,” which explores the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s vision for achieving lasting peace in Israel.

Picture of the Day

Mazal Tov to Lauder Chabad Campus on thier beautiful new center. The building’s street has officially been named “Rabbi Schneerson Place” after the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The new street sign was ceremoniously unveiled by the Vienna City Councilor for Culture and Science, Veronika Kaup-Hasler, and the District Mayor of Brigittenau, Christine Dubravac-Widholm.

Picture of the Day

Rabbi Yonatan Markovitch, a Shliach and Chief Rabbi of Kyiv, officiates a funeral for a Daniel, a Jewish Ukrainian special forces soldier who lost his life during heavy fighting. At a request by Rabbi Markovitch, the military funeral was held according to Halacha.

Picture of the Day

Rabbi Levi Garelik and Vaad Hakohol candidate Meir New hold a dollar from the Rebbe given to Rabbi Garelik in Tof Shin Mem Vov for those who voted in that Sunday’s Vaad Hakohol Election. This photo was taken at Lubavitcher Yeshiva Crown Street where Rabbi Garelik had arrived to vote in the present Vaad Hakohol election.

Picture of the Day

In a breaking release, a newspaper clipping has been discovered showing that the Frierdiker Rebbe opened a Yeshiva in 1925 in Leningrad with the government’s permission. As part of the agreement with the government, he agreed to teach communism at the Yeshiva for three hours a week. If communism was actually taught is not known.