Weekly Letter: The Deeper Purpose of Torah

In the week of the giving of the Torah – we share a letter in which the Rebbe recognizes and encourages a Rabbi and his group for their work in advancing the study of the Torah and the practice of its precepts.
What purpose does the Torah serve? a means to gain reward? a guide to a good life? In his fascinating letter, the Rebbe delves into the deeper purpose of Torah.

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Note to Self About My Davening 

Remember when you used to sit in Yeshiva, watching that businessman rush through Shacharis? The way he’d burst in, Tallis half-on, catching up to the Minyan somewhere between Boruch She’amar and Yishtabach? Remember how you judged him (though you tried not to), thinking “I’ll never be like him”? Well, the hard truth is: You’ve become that businessman.