TONIGHT: Hey Teves Farbrengen With Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel will be Farbrenging at the Bris House tonight, Sunday, at 9:00pm with Bais Shmuel-Chabad.
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel will be Farbrenging at the Bris House tonight, Sunday, at 9:00pm with Bais Shmuel-Chabad.
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Join Rabbi Chaim Dalfin as he farbrengs LIVE from Chabad of Forest Hills North in honor of Yud Tes Kislev.
This Motzei Shabbos we begin saying Selichos, and in the custom of Lubavitch, farbrengens will be held leading up to the unique preparation for Roch Hashana. Rabbi Shalom Charitonov will be farbrenging live starting Motzei Shabbos at 10:00pm.
Join a live broadcast of an inspiring farbrengen in honor of Yud Shevat—hosted by NCFJE, The National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education. The program will feature Rabbi Mendy Schapiro and Rabbi Dov Greenberg, and heartfelt Nigunim led by Boruch Sholom Blesofsky.
Chevra Ahavas Yisroel will be hosting Rabbi Moshe Genuth for a special Yud Shvat Farbrengen in Crown Heights this Thursday.
Hundred of Anash of Paris, France gathered at the Bais Chaya Mushka building in Paris for a grand Hey Teves Farbrengen complete with sit down meal, Sefarim sale, and video presentation.
Bochurim Farbrenged with Rabbi Sternberg Wednesday night, being inspired and energized as Tishrei begins.
A unique Farbrengen this Motzei Shabbos Selichos at Anshei Moshe Shul in Crown Heights will be open to the public and will be streamed live.
A Farbrengen will be streamed live from Anshei Moshe in Crown Heights tonight in honor of Chai Elul, the birthday of both The Alter Rebbe and The Baal Shem Tov.
Anash of Paris, France gathered together for a Yud Beis Tammuz farbrengen in Flanders.
Anash of Paris came together this week for a Yud Shvat Farbrengen at the Beth Chabad of Flandre with Rav Elchanan Marasow and Rav Azimov.
A central Hey Teves Farbrengen was held in Paris, France which lasted into the early hours of the morning.
Join Irgun Torah and Empire Shteibel for a Melavah Malkah Farbrengen, in honor of Tes -Yud Kislev – the Birthday, Yom Hilulah and Chag Hageulah of the Mitteler Rebbe, and a Siyum on Meseches Rosh Hashanah.
Join Irgun Torah for a Melava Malka and Siyum, on Meseches Beitza and Rambam Sefer Haflaha, with the Haschalas Sefer Zerayim.
Irgun Torah and Moshe Rubashkin invite the community to join for a six part chol hamoed – simchas beis hashueivah exciting and inspiring farbrengen series.
A Grand Sukkos Rally for Children will take place Thursday, Yud Zayin Tishrei, the first day of Chol Hamoed, at 2:00pm in 770 Eastern Parkway.
Irgun Torah invites the community to join a farbrengen with Rabbi Hillel Raskin, in honor of the yom hillula of the Rebbe Maharash tonight, Yud Gimmel Tishrei – Sept 19, 9:30pm at Mishkan Moshe 580 Crown Street.