Gaboim Election Results

A total of 1932 ballots were confirmed in the elections for Gaboim, and a candidate would require a minimum of 967 to be elected as Gabbai, the winners are Menachem Gerlitzky, Avrohom Holtzberg, and Yosef Losh. Zalman Lipsker made it by with 3 votes and his will be recounted.

Menachem Gerlitzky – 1172
Avrohom Holtzberg – 1116
Yosef Losh – 1066

Zalman Lipsker – 969
Uri Niazov – 952
Mottel Chein – 717
Boruch Spielman – 645
Nochum Kaplinsky – 376
Yosel Mochkin – 253


  • Left-ies

    Notice to all lefties: It was foolish for you to not vote for Gaboyim – if you would have voted then Zalman Lipsker would not have made it! So you shot yourself in your own foot!!

  • Re: Recount

    Since when does one call for a recount to try to eliminate a candidate!!??

  • B H

    112 people didn’t vote for gaboyim! In one hand that’s amazing. On the other its pretty sad that only %5 of voters knew/cared enough not to vote..

  • the people have spoken

    this is a great repudiation of last years “elections”

  • Not worried

    The recount is to try and get Uri Niazov in but they are taking a risk of losing Lipsker. 770 will not lose much if Lipsker is out, the only ones who will lose are the tsfatim who he aids and abets.

  • 770 A respectable place???

    For those who delude themselves and think that before gimmul tamuz 770 was a respectable place for a fremde person because of the furniture, they are forgetting that what made 770 a respectable place was the PEOPLE in the Shul who respected and loved one another, who didn’t care for what the outside world thought and did what’s right.
    A fremde person would come in and see the brotherhood of the Chassidim and leadership of the Rebbe and not care what the furniture (signs) looked like.
    We can only blame our selves for not having an ounce of self respect, because if we did we would not be ashamed of what the Rebbe believed in.
    On the contrary, we would stand proud.

    Having said that we still need some order.
    There needs to be unbiased elected leadership and respect for every person that walks into Shul.
    The Rebbe would never allow anyone to be thrown out of Shul (even the craziest meshgoyim, and back then we had
    plenty of those also.)

    The way to control these people is by getting a third Rov and bringing some order to the shul and to the community as a whole.

    There is NEVER a reason for Violence.

    As a colleague of Zalmen Lipskier i have heard this from his mouth on numerous occasions and i couldn’t agree more.