Faivish Pewzner lays the cornerstone.

A rock from the foundation of 770, along with sawdust from the floor of the Rebbes floor and one of the shovels used at the laying of the cornerstone of 770, mixed together with a dose of lechaim marked the laying of the cornerstone of the new woman’s Mivkah in Crown Heights.

Ground Breaking for Mivkah Mei Chaya Mushka

Faivish Pewzner lays the cornerstone.

A rock from the foundation of 770, along with sawdust from the floor of the Rebbes floor and one of the shovels used at the laying of the cornerstone of 770, mixed together with a dose of lechaim marked the laying of the cornerstone of the new woman’s Mivkah in Crown Heights.

The laying of this cornerstone marks the beginning of the construction Crown Heights’s only other woman’s mikvah for the past 30 years.

Being built under the auspices of Rabbi Gershon Grossbaum, a world renowned authority on Mikvos, and under the Hashgocho of the Crown Heights Rabbonim, was designed by architect David Shteierman, of DJ Asscoiates Architect, who has experience in building a wide array ranging from multi story office buildings to sprawling religious building such as Shuls and institutions.

The building is being dedicated in honor of the Rebbe and Reb Hillel Pewzner, by his son Faivish and Tamar Pewzner. Additionally the bridal room has been dedicated along with a pledge for $32,000 during the event!

Custructions is expected to start within the next month.

“We are very excited for the community of Crown Heights and we hope that everyone will participate in this endeavor which is a tremendous Z’chus” said Rabbi Moshe Pinson, adding that “this is a community-wide effort and we urge everyone to get involved.”


  • A change from election machloykes

    At last, something good to report from the neighborhood yesterday.

  • Mad Hatter

    Why do they need to wear those silly white helmuts to use a shovel?

  • MC

    GREAT IDEA! why would someone use this mikva when a few blocks away you can use a mikva that the Rebbi went to for many many years!!!

  • Moshe Pinson - way to go!

    We see Rabbi Shwei We see Rabbi Bogomilski (a natural for third Rav).

    Why wasn’t such an important event in our neighborhood important enough for Rabbi Osdoba to attend?

    Moshe Pinson this is the way to go. Positive action not electioneering!

    This was the real event of the day!

  • Inspired

    What an incredible and beautiful endeavor!
    May this be a zechus for the entire Lubavitch community and an empowering inspiration for families to strengthen the observance of Torah and Mitzvos!

    Go Moishy Pinson!

  • Ezzie

    Moshe Pinson your amazing. If only eevery Lubavitcher community had a Moshe Pinson to make the Rebbe proud.

  • wel wisher

    Very nice event and a positive move for crown heights.

    To #5 Rabbi Bogomilsky is too smart to join and be the third rov. I doubt that will happen in this lifetime. He is one of the few honest people left in crown heights. why taint that by joining a beis din thats been riddled with corruption for years?

  • qkfngers

    interesting, a women’s mitzvah and only a handful of ladies are there…everyone else is just men. just an observation.

  • Gadfly

    to #4 “MC wrote” How many reasons would you like? Start with the fact that it will be new and certainly nicer; probably better run; more convenient to many; in line with the Rebbe’s attitude in general of building up and improving Crown Heights; and for many the important fact that a rock from the foundation of 770, along with sawdust from the floor of the Rebbe’s room, were used in the foundation; in addition one of the shovels used in the foundation of this new mikva had been used at the laying of the cornerstone of 770. Do you need many more reasons?

    Well done Moishe Pinson. More power to your arm – you are on the right track time and again

  • Someone else

    gadly, thanks for the info. I had no idea and now feel even better about choosing to go to a mikvah that is closer to me. and to qkfngers, of course the men are going to be the ones there. In our community, women are not supposed to be on display. That’s just the way it is. Make some positive observations.