In a short speech on the floor of the United States House of Representatives, Congressman from Indiana Mike Pence asked; “Mr. President, Whose Side Are You On?”

Video – Congressman to President: Whose Side Are You On?

In a short speech on the floor of the United States House of Representatives, Congressman from Indiana Mike Pence asked; “Mr. President, Whose Side Are You On?”



  • on youtube Over & over!

    watch this clip on you tube so it becomes VIRAL = the more hits the better for Israel’s security (polotics effects policy)

  • yaakovcohen

    Mike Pence is a true friend of Israel and the Jewish people. Compare him to Barack Hussein Obama.

  • nos

    finally someone is standing up for whats right. we cant have an Iranian puppet in the white house. every day the president makes statements to undermine Israels security it is about time some one said enough is enough

  • :)

    way to go!
    at least someone had the guts to get up there and speak the truth!