The Summer Chinch conferences organized annually by the Merkos Chinuch Office will highlight the Midos Tovos and children’s social and emotional relationships. The Kinusim will be held at the Radisson Hotel, Piscataway NJ on July 26th and 27th for women and on August 9th and 10th for men.

Summer Chinuch Kinusim to Highlight Children’s Social and Emotional Relationships

The Summer Chinch conferences organized annually by the Merkos Chinuch Office will highlight the Midos Tovos and children’s social and emotional relationships. The Kinusim will be held at the Radisson Hotel, Piscataway NJ on July 26th and 27th for women and on August 9th and 10th for men.

Children’s Social and Emotional Relationships To Be Highlighted

“Across the country yeshivas and day school Mechanchim and Mechanchos recognize that though schools may be successful at textual instruction they are often frustrated in their attempt to really affect behavior and inculcate proper מדות טובות and inherent Torah values”, asks Rabbi Nochem Kaplan, director of the Chinuch Office. “Standards, tests and accountability programs are today’s favored tools for raisings overall academic achievement; what about affecting children’s social and emotional growth?”

To address these questions, both the Kinusim will feature presentations on this subject from a variety of perspectives. Both will examine implications of the latest yeshiva-based research of מדות טובות development and hear about the exciting work of a number of Mechanchim and Mechanchos psychologists and children’s emotional health professionals, including an interesting new approaches to “bullying” prevention and older to younger student, mentoring.

חינוך and Technology

There has been a veritable explosion of educational technology and gadgetry is schools. It can almost be intimidating to hear about what’s new and what “others” are using. The Kinusim will also feature experts on this subject to discus what’s available and what’s being put to use in yeshivas and day schools.

The fact is though that while many teachers are aware they are not yet comfortable with all the new gadgetry. Smart boards can be found in yeshiva classrooms across the country and yet they are being used by only a select group of technologically savvy teachers. The same is true of other marvelous machinery. How about Webinars for teachers; what do they accomplish; how can they benefit our schools, teachers and students?

Both Kinusim will offer hands on workshops designed to familiarize and mentor educators in the use of technology and especially their implications upon the לימודי קדש.

הרבה למדתי מחברי: New Educational Experience Exchange

Many conferees have commented that they feel that the most valuable part of the Kinusim are the personal interchanges with colleagues who have developed expertise in a particular area where they feel the greatest need for assistance and collaboration.

This year’s Kinusim will organize opportunities for educational expertise exchanges and personal mentoring.

For Mechanchim and mechanchos who feel they have developed expertise in either curriculum, instruction or management the Kinusim will offer an opportunity to share, mentor and guide colleagues and protégés. For those who are looking for expert guidance or advice this will be an unprecedented opportunity to find it.

Special Early Childhood Kinus Section

In Cooperation with the Machne Israel Development Fund, Early Childhood Initiative and the Chabad Early Childhood Education Network of the Shluchim Office.

Early Childhood mechanchos who are opening new E/C centers will have a special series of workshops geared to their particular needs. These will include a complete overview of administrative and educational requirements of new centers as well as personal mentoring in conjunction with the new E/C resource center being established in cooperation with the Chabad Early Learning Center in the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

Beyond the what we are communicating, it is the how we are communicating.

The EC section developed by CECE network will feature workshops on various aspects of communication. “We will focus on why communication skills are so critical to growth, to relationships, to learning, and how we can best help our students develop these essential communication skills” said Devorah Krasnianski of CECE. “We will also concentrate on enhancing our own communication skills – with children, so that they can grow and learn; and with adults and staff, so that the parents can be partners in their children’s Chabad Preschool experience, so that we can become effective leaders in our schools, in our communities”.

Register today at to be able to take advantage of our early bird special!!

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One Comment

  • mother

    i think it’s fantastic to be focusing on the social/emotional aspect of chinuch. in my opinion, that’s more important than knowledge – educating children to be a mentch, to be a good human being. it’s about time!