was first to interview Zaki Tamir after he won the elections. Mr Tamir spoke about what he intends to do this term, saying that it is going to be a term of growth. He added that he is only going to answer to the Crown Heights residence themselves.

Zaki Tamir, Candidate Elect, 1st Post Election Interview was first to interview Zaki Tamir after he won the elections. Mr Tamir spoke about what he intends to do this term, saying that it is going to be a term of growth. He added that he is only going to answer to the Crown Heights residence themselves.

Tamir was the only candidate to receive over 50 percent of votes, securing him a position in the new Vaad Hakohol.

A runoff elections is tentatively set for next week, in hope to select two more members of the Vaad.


  • ZAKI-s win is a win for true peace in CH

    A – ZAKI was the only candidate who did not get involved with either side of the machloikes, rather he campaigned for himself with his own fliers and cards!

    B – ZAKI is the only candidate i met to have nice and respectful words to say about ALL the people who were running!

  • Words of peace

    Sounds good, and is a great news website, but its not a mosad. you need to get involved inthe mosdas in CH thats where the people and the parents are. we need you to fix our mosdos and help our children have a good education

  • zaki fan

    zaki is a paradigm for what an ethical frum politician should be like
    very admirable

  • zakiist!!!

    “zakIist” im sorry that is the funniest thing ive heard all day! yasher koach for inventing that concept

  • fresh!

    I love that he is talking TO us, not AT us. He is obviously happy to have won, but he isnt letting it get to his head just yet.
    Mamash beautiful how this young man is reaching out to the Kehila.

  • Aliya member


    you made all of us proud and we were all excited to be working with you and Aron on election day. You have shown us that there is hope for all of us youth to not only get our acts together but even to reach out and help the whole community.
    You have given all of us at Aliya a new sense of pride!
    Your the man!

  • Someone please breife him!

    Hey Zakie, There is a comunity counsel now running. Try to get briefed by them on how complaints are handeled and what money comes in and goes out. You can make it better but don’t have to reinvent the wheele.

  • a happy ch resident

    Zaki is the only one to talk straight not bs everyone like the Mosrim He is open to evryone’s ideas & actually listens to you even if you’re not from the big shots etc.

  • yankel

    whats all this about “netzigim” they were never elected by the people. Their main job is to organize fair elections. They cant even do that (one of the elections they said that someone who attends farbrengens in bais rivka is disqualified to be a candidate).