Australian Shluchim Gather for Special Melaveh Malkah

Special Melaveh Malkah for the Shluchim of NSW and the ACT, Australia with International Guest Speaker Rabbi Shmuel Lew SHLITA

SYDNEY — This Moitzoai Shabbos Kodesh, Rosh Chodesh Tamuz, the Yeshiva Centre – Chabad headquarters of NSW under the Auspices of Rabbi Pinchus Hacohen Feldman SHLIT”A Head Shliach of NSW, Australia, organised a special Melaveh Malkah for the Shluchim of NSW and the ACT with International Guest Speaker Rabbi Shmuel Lew SHLITA.

Rabbi Shmuel Lew is a beloved spiritual mentor, guidance counsellor and educator. The London, UK based Chabad Rabbi is a sought after motivational speaker who lectures internationally, and is renowned for his wit, wisdom and uncanny ability to connect with the audience, regardless of their background or affiliation. In the early 60’s Rabbi Lew pioneered outreach activities on college and university campuses, and has positively influenced thousands during the past five decades. Most outstanding among his many disciples is Sir Jonathan Sacks, Great Britain’s enormously popular Chief Rabbi.

Rabbi Lew spoke about how he has spent a great deal of time in the last few years dealing with Chabad teenagers at risk and addressing shluchim and Chabad communities about the very serious challenges that we face.

Parenthetically, while he will here he will be spending time in Sydney with Chabad teenagers, both boys and girls in the few days that he will be here, in addition to all his various school speaking engagements.

Rabbi Lew discussed about, how notwithstanding our responsibilities for hafotza to chutzo, we Shluchim need not forget and must also be able to focus on our own children.

Rabbi Lew gave a few gems of ideas how to deal with ones own adolescents however one effective “segula” piece of advice that he gave from the Rebbe is to say daily the kapital tehilim of the child 9if the boy is 15 say chapter 16 etc’).

The shluchim are all very appreciative to Rabbi Lew for his time and efforts and also thanked Rabbi and Rebbitzen Berger of Double Bay Chabad for hosting the event and all joined in prayer for Moshiach to come immanently, Now!

Tonight, Monday night ohl le Gimel Tamuz, Rabbi Lew will be conducting the first Gimel Tamuz Farbrengen in the world, report and photo’s BE”H to come