Zaki Tamir Elected, Runoff to Determine 2 More

In a chaotic and tumultuous day, which drew out a record number of voters, the only victor turned out to be Zaki Tamir who is the only candidate to secure over 50% of the vote. An additional 2 are needed to meet the minimum of 3 required to run the Vaad, and there will be a runoff between candidates Shea Hecht, Yossi Hackner and Fishel Brownstein.

A total of 2044 qualified ballots were cast, and a candidate would need 1023 or more to have been elected in, the official results are as follows:

Bennaroch, Avrohom – 923
Brownstein, Fishel – 1016
Cadaner, Zev – 846
Chazan, Michoel – 863
Hackner, Yossi – 942
Hecht, Shea – 936
Keller, Yossi – 377
Potorak, Eli – 759
Schreiber, Meir – 424
Sperlin, Chanina – 880
Spinner, Meir – 786
Tamir, Zaki – 1105
Vogel, Aron – 654


  • Boruch

    mesira has suffered a blow in the vaad, but we have done poorly in the gabbaim dept.

  • Fishel Brownstein

    crown heights got rid of sperlin this is a WOW
    about time to grow up now just a small step to elect hecht and hakner and the job is perfect.

  • no there will be a recont for bronstien

    no there will be a recont for bronstein as it was so close he is 7 short for getting the 50% that what rabbi rosenberg wants. he took home the ballets

  • me myself and i

    This is great news.
    It shows how divided our community really is.

  • divided

    All this ellection shows is that ppl REALY give a hoot.

    Otherwize we are very divided.

    Look at zacki. I like him. Yet he only has a bit more then 50 pesent that want him.

    I think this is a BIG step fwd and if zacki and his Vaad do the job correct we should see a stronger election persentage next time.

  • me myself and i

    I would like to thank the old Vaad for doing such a GREAT job.

    Becuase of them. We had the strongest ellections ever.

    Think about it. Last elections took place and they didn’t even have 50 persent of this terms voters.

    Credit is due to their actions in the past year that we now have such a HUGE turnout.

  • me myself and i

    Shame nash didn’t run, it would have been nice to have him run so he too can get a message of….

    Ur not either wanted

  • We the people.

    We the people have spoken, we the people want peace, we the people want to only see positive comments. Now you the people, please print positive feedback only.

  • Shemtov

    Will Sperlin now make a new organization so he can keep his photo ops and parties for the politicians? This is mamesh huge news if he is no longer the leader of Anash.

  • MaDDinBklyn

    This election was “One small step for man, and one giant step for mankind” but are you telling me that shea hecht only sells 936 chickens a year?



  • C.D.H.

    Bennaroch, Spinner and Voge, there is no limit in doing kindness, we hope to see you around doing and helping the neighborhood with good things, G-d willing we will see you in three years, by then you better have a long list of things you did to make Crown Heights a better place.

    My brothers and sister, “we need to complete the job”
    Let’s finish the good thing we started last night and vote…
    Shea Hecht and Yossi Hackner

    Baroch Hashem, Crown Heights voted NO to MESIRA!

    It’s Monday morning, back to work :)

  • CLEAR!

    The Shchuna spoke loud and clear: We do not want Poltrak and Chanina. Period.

  • Now-s the time for real action!

    The People have spoken. About time, too! I really hope Brownstein does NOT get elected. He is a nice guy, but weak & ineffectual. We never heard from him on ANY issue: not the Meseira, not Jews in jail, not attacks on our kids…nothing.

    He was silent the whole time. Everyone else, including people from outside the neighborhood like Dov Hikind, made supportive statements. He never said a word. What did he actually DO? Without his good buddies Chanina & the Clown (whoo hoo!!)he is nothing.

    Elect Hecht & Hackner. Together, these 3 will make a difference & get things done. If not: we’ll toss THEM out next election.

  • Hackner is in

    Well we should just have a vote between Hecht and Bronstein since everyone must vote for two out of three those that vote for Bronstein will not vote for Hecht and those that vote for Hecht will not vote for Bronstein making Hackner the 2nd member of the new Vaad!

  • To #21

    Another way to look at it is that since those who voted for Hecht probably didn’t vote for Brownstein and those who voted for Brownstein probably didn’t vote for Hecht, together they represent the entire community. Let’s vote them in and have all members of the communit represented with Tamir as the “independent”.

  • Just Sayin

    If the 5 people with over 900 votes were to make up the new Vaad, it would be quite well rounded:

    I don’t like the idea of a 3 person Vaad, only because it stretches their resources. Even if they named 3 members and 2 associates, it would only do the community better.

  • Yechi hamalka

    the real Crown heights Said no to Hendel mendel
    and said no to the hijacking by this hoodlooms
    thank god no more chalila the mamzer. no mor poltrack the clown. and no more cacadaner the nobody

  • the math

    #21, not quite.

    I would really prefer Hecht & Hackner. Unfortunately, the math isn’t working out this way:

    The fact is, there isn’t a strong anti-Bronstein element out there, despite his membership in the outgoing now discredited Vaad (witness the large amount of votes he got). So in all likelihood Bronstein is a shoe-in and the run-off will in reality be between Hackner and Hecht.

    So those of us who want Shea in – and this community would be nuts not to have at least one experienced and politically-connected person on the Vaad – will have to vote Shea Hecht / Fishel Bronstein, otherwise Shea will come in third and we will all lose as a result. In other words, this time around, every vote vote Hackner will be a vote against Shea.

  • Very disappointed

    You all can go on and cackle how U won and ousted everyone who worked hard for the community. Youth isn’t everything, everyone has their own agenda here. Let’s see if CH thrives, survives or G-d forbid dies, with inexperienced Zaki and Hackner and his own self-interests first Shea. Lots of luck everyone, we are going to need it!

  • we don-t trim but so what?

    #28, Thanks for the laugh! And some people are worried about Zaki trimming his beard? I think we have more important things to worry about right now. Like getting help for the poor, vouchers, parking, and such.

  • champion of democracy

    I a m sure the “champions of democracy” who perpetrated last years “election” are pleased that more than double the people voted this year to remove them

  • a united crown heights

    we took our community back, hopefully now it will be the rebbe’s community again where everyone is tolerated those involved in dispute it’s time to say goodbye.


    CROWN HEIGHTS did not vote for either side!!

    ZAKI was the only one campaigning for himself NOT 1 team against another.

    and ZAKI was the only person that while campaigning spoke with dignity, respect and also praise about ALL the other candidates.

    A ZAKI win means crown heights wants NO MACHLOKES – NO SIDES!!

    Mazel Tov ZAKI, MAy you have much hatzlocha!!

  • To 28

    The word you were looking for is ‘Very Bitter’. Not ‘Very Disappointed’.

    You’re Welcome.

  • C H Resident

    We have everything that no other Yiddishe sect has,

    1) Shluchim , 2) Mashpiyim, 3) a Rebbeh that is Moshiach 4)Chasidus Chabad, 5)The seventh Dorr is counted from OUR first Rebbeh , Not Belz’s first Rebbeh,, 7) Our shul is going to be the only Shul where Moshiach comes first, 8) Only We Daven the correct Nussech Ari , 9) Only We do Mivtzoim which brings the Ge’ula, 10) Only we are Temimum & Anash ….

    But yet, we need Rabbonim from the outside who don’t have all this, to guide us how to live B’Sholom to make a true Nachas Ruach to HKB”H.

  • clowns and mamzerim??

    If you notice, almost every comment made so far was obviously written by the same person… he has the same point, even the same spelling mistakes… and keeps using the same words just in a different sentence…
    please everyone watch your language.. if you dont want someone to be voted in or you do want everyone to vote for someone specific, make your point in a respectful way. stop calling ppl clowns and making fun of ppl especially in public. these ppl have children and it can really be hurtful the way people say things like that about their father. be careful, say your point, but in a respectful manner. moshiach now!

  • To # 38

    Well said. I was also surprised that we need Rabonim and Chasidishe Yungerliet from the Nisht-Unzere, to watch over us, so that everything is done Erlich.

    The Rebbe would have been very upset. He would have said this is the kind of Dor I raised?. With their heads in their Golashen?

  • To #38

    I believe the contrary. The rebbe would have been very proud that Achdus and Sholom have been implemented into the community. From what I remember the rebbe held every human being in high regard. He did not segregate, separate or label yidden (“unzerer – nisht unzirer”). This precisely the problem. We all stem from 12 shevotim. Yes each shevet walked its own path but it was important for all jews to see the beauty in the next shevet. Follow in the ways of the rebbe and be more inclusive!

  • sholom ber

    antis won at least a majority. tamir leaned in detroit.
    sorry losers but the rebbe’s true derech won the day and will finally lead, not hendel drizin and his nincompoops

  • sholom ber

    “the rebbe held every human being in high regard” does not mean the rebbe tolerate his name being dragged in the mud an open abomination made of his words like hendel the tzadik who cares so so much about moshiach, moshiach being for him drizin’s pocket. enough of the false derech of 15 years. let us follow the wellsprings of the rebbe to bring the light of chassidus and moshiach to all.
    let us try and erase and eradicate the derech that has cause chabad to be the laughingstock of other orthodox jews.

    let us become the shluchim who fulfil the will that the rebbe bestowed upon us, and we will succeed, veil dem rebben hut azoi gezugt,

    may this be a beginning of true love, a love filtered through the rebbes drochim and the rebbe’s appointed leaders of chabad, i.e. the shemtov, who have lead, despite all deranged hateful jealous opposition, who have lead the banner of the rebbe’s true way.

    yes, love for all, but no, that love gives not hendel the mike to drag chabad in the dirt.

    no love and no chossid has that right.

  • To Sholom Ber

    Today is Gimmel Tammuz. Your name means “PEACE”. Maybe you can find it in your heart to love your fellow Jew, the Rebbe did, even if his name was not Shemtov.

  • opinionated

    To #27 regarding inexperience, look how well the “experienced” did until now…
    To #29 I also wish he was’nt trimming at all but,
    in the past a respectable member in our community ran for the va’ad and won and nobody mentioned that he was clean shaven.
    The important thing is to get the job done
    he is NOT running for MASHPIA