Benny Friedman singing a at recent Chupa at 'Terrace on the Park' in Queens NY.

Video – Benny Friedman at a Chupa at Terrace on the Park

Benny Friedman singing a at recent Chupa at ‘Terrace on the Park’ in Queens NY.


  • wedding guest

    I was at that wedding. The clip shown here followed his singing of the Alter Rebbe’s niggun. That’s the clip that should be posted on this site.

  • A fan

    Benny wonderful job!!
    to comment 3 and 4 please keep your very strong feelings enclosed.

  • a #1 FAN!!!!

    to comment #5- keep your comments and feelings to yourself too GOOOO BENNNNYYY!!!!!!!

  • OY VEY

    Comments number 5 and 6 ACHDUS.AHAVAS YISROEL please dont fight or argue. we need moshiach. every person should express themselves in the way they feel will be best.

  • to comment #7!

    I AGREE!! we were just kidding ! really! of course we should!!!!

  • feivish

    love a fellow jew !! just the same as u!!! is a mitzvah from our holy torah= if one yid expressed their opinion on benny allow the other yidishe person to!!!!