Travel Advisory For NYC as the City Braces For The Storm
The New York City Emergency Management Department today issued a hazardous travel advisory for Friday evening, January 28, through Saturday, January 29.
The New York City Emergency Management Department today issued a hazardous travel advisory for Friday evening, January 28, through Saturday, January 29.
Effective at 8:00pm Friday night, a State of Emergency will be in effect for much of South New York as a major Blizzard moves into the area.
Alternate Side Parking (street cleaning) regulations will be suspended on Saturday, January 29 for snow operations. Meters will remain in effect.
Ever wonder how one summer’s inspiration can last the whole year? For Camp Chomeish campers, a reunion evening showed just how great an impact one summer can bring.
Dvar Torah Produced by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) for the current Tut Altz segment 4: “Worldview”. Written By Rabbi Levi Avtzon.
I heard the following two stories at a kiddish / farbrengen last Shabbos. The first one was said by Reb Yaakov Yisroel lilui nishmas his mother, Esther bas Reb Yaakov whose yahrzeit was this past Monday, the 22nd of Shevat.
Three gunshots were heard in Crown Heights Friday morning just as a major snowstorm begins to sweep into the area.
In this weeks Dvar Torah, Rabbi Katzman delves into the giving of the commandments and their origin at Har Sinai.
Five Chabad institutions were among over sixty recipients of a security grant provided by the Montgomery County Government this week.
The Star-K Kashrus Organization has published an alert reminding people to check any Brown Rice for bugs.