SATIRE: Why I’m Against Ceremony and What It Is
I have an issue. Everyone keeps talking about this thing called ceremony, and it’s driving me up the wall!
I have an issue. Everyone keeps talking about this thing called ceremony, and it’s driving me up the wall!
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There’s a very important issue in shidduchim that people never talk about: how the eligible single sounds when they sneeze. I mean, it’s a significant quality of life question.
The scandal broke during Mincha, and it was resolved before Maariv. But I digress.
This Purim we present the incomplete chronicles of “The Long and Winding Dissatisfaction Of Mr. Marvin Fruchter”, a historic piece of evidence that Shlichus does, in fact, have a slight downside.
Mazel Tov to the newest couples to become engaged Erev Purim 5784! May they all be zoche to build a Bayis Ne’eman B’Yisrael, Binyan Adai Ad, filled with Torah, mitzvos, kinderlach, and much laughter.
After years of reading (and commenting on) provocative articles on various websites, a group of Crown Heights Askonim have decided to finally take action that will simultaneously address multiple crises that the community faces, including reaching all of our youth, and the cost of tuition.
The following is the first in column series featuring Ben Chochom, who will be giving slightly less than sage advice to anyone who asks a question he may not know the answer to.
Crown Heights, statistically boasting the highest concentration of hair per capita, teeming with bearded men, wigged women, a vibrant population of weave enthusiasts and the salons that cater to them, served as the perfect backdrop for this year’s first annual HAIRkaras Hatov event.
Following an amazing run last year, the judges of the Pre-Purim Satire Challenge gave their verdicts on the most hilarious artwork. Lets go back a year and take a look at what they decided.
With the launch of CrownHeights.info’s second ever Pre-Purim “Satire Challenge”, challenging you – our readers – to make other people laugh, we have partnered with three of the Orthodox Jewish world’s most well known Comedic Influencers. Let us introduce our judges.
This is not a joke…..we promise! CrownHeights.info has launched it’s second ever Pre-Purim “Satire Challenge”, challenging you – our readers – to make other people laugh.
Crown Heights comedian Shmully Blesofsky presents a “What if” worth listening to. Just imagine Rabbi Kotlarsly doing his iconic Roll Call at a Leftist convention, priceless.
Let us all drink a few L’Chaims this Purim in a hearty Mazel Tov on the following new Purim engagements in our worldwide Chabad community.
No one can truly appreciate the stress of attempting to find your true bashert, the perfect Crown Heights “apartment”. Take a journey into the slightly stressed mind of one such “apartment” [Shidduch] hunter.
Uniqueness isn’t a bad thing, it helps you stand apart from the masses. It can also give some rather awesome content for jokes. Here is a list of nine things that only a Lubavitcher might say, and understand.
Tons of pressure exerted by climate activists have finally returned results as the decision-makers cave and agree to change the color of the Mashiach Flag to “Go-Green”.
When studying history, it is sometimes difficult to isolate the truly remarkable and substantial events that created the world of today. To help understand the world that is Crown Heights, Historian Shmully Blesofsky purifies, distills – and some might say drinks as well – the truly significant incidents that created the Schunah.