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Attempted Mugging At Gunpoint

Wednesday night, At 12:13, a member of Anash on his way home was held up by three Black males with a gun at the intersection of New York Ave and President St. The victim, who was carrying a large amount of cash on him began yelling and cursing at them, which apparently scared them and they began fleeing down President St towards Brooklyn Ave

911 was called and police officers began responding form all different direction, one responding unit spotted the trio fleeing on President between Kingston and Albany, and managed to stop them all. More officers responded to the area and began searching them for the alleged gun they used for the stickup when a Bochur spotted the gun under a parked car. Police arrested the three and brought them down to the precinct along with the victim to file a complaint.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Six Black Youths Tried To Mug Me

After reporting and covering so many such stories it was only a matter of time that such trouble would find me.

Last night, Tuesday, at around 12:30am, I was on my way back from a wedding, walking with a friend on New York Ave and Eastern Pkwy when we were approached by a black youth who asked for the time, after which he asked for a dollar, we brushed him off and continued walking, thats when he began demanding money from us, at which point five of his cohorts began crossing the street towards us.

It was at this time that I pulled my Shomrim radio off my belt and put a distress call over the air and Shomrim members began responding from all over, at the same time my friend and I began chasing the would be muggers who began fleeing upon seeing the radio. The perps all fled up New York Ave, part of the group turned down Lincoln Pl while the rest turned on St Johns Pl. At the same time my friend got on the phone with 911 and was giving updates as to where we were during the chase.

Brand New Mitzvah Tank For London UK

What a surprise it was walking down Golders Green road in North West London on a busy Friday afternoon and seeing parked outside Carmeli bakery, a motor home with a sign “Chabad Lubavitch Mitzvah Tank. Do a mitzvah Today!”. Approaching nearer, there was Harav Levi Paris putting on tefillin with a karkafta.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Yeshivas Kayitz Russia Ended With Success

B”H after about six and a half weeks the bochurim of Yeshivas Kayitz Russia are back home. During the summer the bochurim visited most of the Mekomos Hakidoshim throughout Russia and Ukraine including Haditch, Niezen, Anepolie, Mezibuz, Barditchuv, and ovcourse Lubavitch. Beginning in Z’itomer Ukraine and ending in Petersburg Russia. Seeing the way the Chassidim lived back than inspired the bochurim greatly.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Sad Ending to Life of Sgt. Alex Assaf

Arutz Sheva

The funeral of Sgt. Alex Assaf, 20, killed by an Israeli mine in Lebanon Tuesday night, has not yet been set. His short life took place in Chernobyl, Kfar Chabad, Bedouin tents, Carmiel and Lebanon.

Alex was one of more than 2,500 Russian children brought to Israel over the course of several years by the Chabad movement. Following the explosion of a nuclear plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986, the Chabad movement embarked on a major campaign to remove Jewish children from the disaster area, and brought them to Israeli in a series of flights.

Alex arrived on the seventh Chabad flight, and was brought to the Israeli town of Kfar Chabad in 1991 at the age of 6. He lived there for five years, until his mother arrived from Russia and took him into her custody. She was unable to care for him properly, however, and lived with him in Bedouin tents and the like. Finally, Alex was placed in the care of a loving family from Carmiel. His adoptive mother, Tziporah, said that he was a very lovable boy, and was a loving younger brother to her four other children.

Outside The Core

Detroit Jewish News

Novi and Northville are communities on the edge . . . on the edge of the “core” of the Metro Detroit Jewish community.

The recently completed 2005 population study done by the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit showed the suburban area where most Jews live expanded from 13 ZIP codes in 1999 to 23 ZIP codes in 2005. Royal Oak to the east and Commerce Township and Walled Lake to the northwest have been added. But the Jewish population in Novi and Northville did not exhibit enough growth to nudge the core further west.

Thirteen Attributes of Mercy – An Elul Anthology

Yanki Tauber –

“Though summer still lingered and the day was bright and sunny, there was a change in the air. One smelled already the Elul-scent; a teshuvah-wind was blowing. Everyone grew more serious, more thoughtful… All awaited the call of the shofar, the first blast that would announce the opening of the gates of the month of mercy….”

So describes the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880-1920), the onset of the month of Elul in the town of Lubavitch. A month of trepidation on account of the approaching “Days of Awe” of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; but also a gentle month, softened by the reconciliatory prophesies of the “Seven of Consolation” read during this time and the vibes of divine compassion that linger from the time that Moses spent the whole of Elul on the summit of Mount Sinai procuring G-d’s wholehearted forgiveness for Israel’s first sin.

JLI’s First National Jewish Retreat: An Overwhelming Success!

This past Sunday concluded the JLI’s first annual National Jewish Retreat at the luxurious Copper Mountain resort situated in the scenic Colorado Rockies. Declared “five days of pure Gan Eden” by guest lecturer Rabbi Yehuda Leib Shapiro, over 200 participants, consisting of JLI students from around the world, studied and farbrenged together. Participants enjoyed five days bursting with superb Jewish learning and living with brilliant scholars, shluchim and guest presenters including a grand concert and presentation by renowned comedian Wayne Cotter.

A faculty of more than 22 world-class presenters provided over 70 lectures, seminars and workshops. Special guest presenters included the celebrated talk-show host Michael Medved, Professor Lawrence Schiffman, Rabbi Laibel Schapiro and Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky. Rabbis Moshe Bryski and Yossi Jacobson dazzled the crowd with inspirational classes and lectures.

Pol wins unions’ label in hot race

NY Daily News

Two major unions will back Democratic City Councilwoman Yvette Clarke in a hotly contested Brooklyn congressional race.

The presidents of two powerful Service Employees International Union locals, 1199 SEIU, which represents health care workers, and 32BJ, which stands for building services workers, told the Daily News yesterday they would back Clarke’s bid to replace retiring Rep. Major Owens.

“Yvette has a proven record of leadership in the fight for quality affordable health care, a humane immigration policy and opposition to the Iraq war,” 1199 President Dennis Rivera said.

New Book: A Place of Their Own 1971-1979

Practical advice given by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in helping young people arriving in Israel from the Soviet Union in the 70’s. Mostly university graduates but without any traditional Jewish knowledge they required a fresh psychological and sociological programme under their own control and not identified with any political party. Only this way, when they could be recognised, welcomed and respected with time and opportunity to adjust could they begin to bring their special contribution of idealism and intellectual vigour to Israeli Society. Based on original records of meetings at the highest level of the Israeli political establishment this book tells the story how the organisation SHAMIR founded by Peter Kalms with the invaluable commitment of Professor Herman Branover was able to significantly alter the outdated bureaucratic immigration policies which had initially led to hostility and even re-emigration.

Feminine Soul

The Jewish Press

I’ve just read an autobiographical summary of R’ Yisroel Meir Lau, former chief rabbi of Israel. He speaks about the childhood of which he was robbed, growing up during the Holocaust.

I read how he was orphaned from his parents in his tender years. How, as a five-year old boy, he witnessed a member of the Gestapo rain down one murderous blow after another on his father.

He describes the anger, the humiliation, and the pain in seeing his father and hero beaten with a club, kicked by hobnailed boots and degraded while mustering the inhumane strength to stand upright and not beg for mercy.