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Weekly Letter: The Jewish Way of Life

In preparation for Shavuos – we share a letter in which the Rebbe emphasizes that the Jewish way of life is “na’asse v’nishma”. We do and then we learn. Even in the realm of science, discipline and methods need to be first accepted. Questioning the truth is fine – yet not understanding truth does not make it not true.

CHAI LIFELINE: Going Through It, Growing Through It – Rabbi Eytan Feiner and Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox

Chai Lifeline presents “Going Through It, Growing Through It: Torah Perspectives and Mindful Coping in the Age of COVID-19,” a new lecture series offering divrei chizuk, psychological, and practical guidance during the current health crisis. The series will include video and audio recordings of renowned rabbanim, speakers, and mental health experts, as well as members of Chai Lifeline’s crisis intervention team, Project Chai.

Here’s My Story: Healing the Hospitals

Dr. Velvl Greene (1928-2011) was a bacteriologist who served as professor of public health at the University of Minnesota and Ben-Gurion University, as well as director of the Lord Jacobovits Center for Jewish Medical Ethics in Be’er Sheva, Israel. He had previously worked for NASA’s Planetary Quarantine Division, which was charged with trying to find life on Mars. He was interviewed in April of 2008.