Weather Forecast Shows Possible Shavuos Washout


Planning on joining your local porch Minyon for Shavuos? The weather might have other plans.

Weather forecasts show that this weekend will be a wet one, with rain starting as early as Thursday night, and continuing through Shabbos.

While it’s still too early to know exactly how much rain, or exactly when the rain is expected, a wet Yom Tov can be expected.

The weather might further complicate arrangements made for the Crown Heights community to hear the aseres hadibros over Shavuos, a task already made difficult due to state restrictions on religious gatherings.

The Following is the forecast as of Wednesday at 10:23am:

THU MAY 28th, Showers 67°/62° with 50% chance of rain

FRI MAY 29th, AM Showers 76°/66° with 40% chance of rain

SAT MAY 30th, Scattered Thunderstorms 78°/60° with 50% chance of rain