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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 93% OFF Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill

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Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmills for Home

340 Lbs Capacity, 3 in 1 Portable Walking Pad

DEAL PRICE: $169.99 (93% OFF)


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Chof Beis Shvat at Chabad of Georgetown

The annual Chof Beis Shvat Women’s Dinner at Chabad of Georgetown, Brooklyn filled Rabbi Avrohom Holtzberg’s Shul with the many community women. Speakers at the event included Mrs. Miriam Lipskier, co-founder and director of the Chabad Student Center at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, and former Lieutenant Commander Mrs. Laurie Lans who has served multiple tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Persian Gulf.