5 Car Fender Bender Briefly Closes Eastern Parkway
An accident on Eastern Parkway involving 5 cars, briefly closed the street down Sunday night due to a large emergency response. No one was injured in the accident, and all damage done was minor.
An accident on Eastern Parkway involving 5 cars, briefly closed the street down Sunday night due to a large emergency response. No one was injured in the accident, and all damage done was minor.
At the Kotel, setting up the Menorah for the public lighting is no small feat. A truck and boom is necessary to transport the large Menorah, and a stage erected for it to stand on.
Join the live broadcast of the lighting ceremony of the National Chanukah Menorah located on the Ellipse at the White House in Washington D.C. Featuring musical performances by the popular “8th Day” band, the “United States Army Band” and “The Three Cantors”.
A new single released by Yehuda Freundlich faces off against the “grass is greener on that side of the fence” frame of mind. With composer Yitzy Walder, the song “Yesh Hakol” came together and in the words of the singer, the new hit “wrote itself.”
Bais Rivkah High School celebrated Yud Tes Kislev in a unforgettable, and interactive way. The high school girls left inspired and energized following the specially crafted day that included workshops, a special davening, and a farbrengen.
Courtesy of Rabbi Garelick of Sichosacademy.org, we present a series on Halochos of Chanukkah. In this article he discusses the Halachos and Minhagim of lighting the menorah.
A father was punched in the head Friday night as he was heading home from Shul in Williamsburg. Willimsburg Shomrim has released a video of the incident, and has requested the public’s help in identifying the assailant.
Lubavitch Youth Administrator, Rabbi Shlomo Friedman, is once again making Chanukah mivtzoim accessible to the Crown Heights community. This year through a new campaign called “NYC It’s LIT.
This week’s edition of MyLife: Chassidus Applied with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Episode 238, will air tonight, Sunday, here on CrownHeights.info, beginning at 8:00pm. Chassidus Applied to Chanukah: What Does Chassidus Teach Us About Darkness and Its Illumination? Am I Still a Lubavitcher If I Learn Daf Yomi? Why Is Taharas Hamishpacha so Obsessed with Details? Is Judaism Democratic? What Is the Torah View on Forced Observance? What Kind of Car Should a Chassid Drive? What Can I Do About Same Gender Attraction? How Do We Explain the Existence of Evil in Face of an Omnipresent Good G-d?
The Israeli Supreme Court has granted the government an additional 43 days to pass legislation replacing an amendment to Israel’s draft law which the court struck down in 2017.
Courtesy of Rabbi Garelik of Sichosacademy.org, we present a series on Halochos of Chanukah. In this article he discusses some of the Halochos and Minhagim of Chanukah.
Mrs. Yedida Flint and Mrs. Nediva Schwarz are sitting Shiva after the passing of their dear brother R’ Yitzchok Schneerson OBM of Kfar Chabad, at her home 1603 Carroll St. in Crown Heights through Wednesday night. They get up on […]
With Chanukah fast approaching, Chabad centers across the United States and around the world are preparing to usher in the holiday with the bright lights of the menorah. While there are specific guidelines regarding the menorah, you can make one out of almost anything.