Chicago Celebrates Rambam Siyum Like Never Before

The completion of the 30th cycle of Rambam study brought Chicago Jewry together like never before. Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshivos, and Rosh Kollelim affiliated with every segment of the community joined in an unprecedented show of Achdus – all in connection with the Rambam. The two part program, the first a Grand Siyum Celebration last Thursday evening and the second a full day long Yom Iyun on Rambam this past Sunday, is literally the talk of the town.

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French Prime Minister Says Shchita is ‘Outdated’


Kosher Butcher shop in Paris

France’s prime minister urged Muslims and Jews to consider scrapping their halal and kosher slaughter laws on Monday as President Nicolas Sarkozy and his allies stepped up their efforts to woo far-right voters.

Talks Fail Between Chabad and Russian Government

Legal Times

Interior of the Lenin Library, where the books are being held.

Negotiations between the Russian Federation and the Chabad-Lubavitch movement over the return of Jewish texts in the custody of Russian state agencies have failed to date, according to a new filing in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

Picture of Day: Children Embark on Purim Adventure

Boys from Rabbi Raskin‘s first grade class in Lubavitcher Yeshiva went on a Purim adventure, solving riddles that lead them through the four mitzvos of Purim along Kingston Avenue’s shops. In the picture above, R’ Shloimy Klein of HaSofer explains fascinating details about the writing of a Megilla.

Photos: Bochurim Unite for Siyum HoRambam

Hundreds of Bochurim gathered in the hall at Beis Rivka for a grand Siyum Horambam, marking the 30th completion of the 3-Prokim-a-day cycle. The event was broadcasted live via and thousands tuned in.

NYU Students Propel Growth of Chabad House

by Karen Schwartz –

Samantha Adelsberg graduated from New York University in 2010 and wanted to stay in the area. The Chabad House Serving NYU, directed by Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Dov Yona and Sarah Korn, was a big factor in her decision to remain downtown, because she knew she’d have a Jewish community and fabulous place to enjoy the Sabbath.

BDE: Reb Avrohom Yehudah Vaisfiche, OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Reb Avrohom Yehudah Vaisfiche, OBM, a member of Anash of Beitar Ilit, Israel, at the age of 80.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Cecil, and children: R’ Eliezer (Petach Tikva, Israel), R’ Yaakov (Jerusalem, Israel), R’ Itzik (Crown Heights), Mrs. Ruti Tourenheim (Beitar, Israel), Mrs. Raanana Hershkop (Beitar, Israel) and Mrs. Menuchi Kanevsky (Crown Heights).

PSA: What Are You Doing Two Days Before Purim?

Making a last minute dash to Boro Park for the perfect addition to your mishloach manos… laying out your childrens’ costumes so they’re pressed and ready in time for megilla… polishing the prized silver mezuzah case that you won at a Chinese auction all those years ago… finishing a purim seuda menu that is both hearty enough to feed the ravenous revelers who will come toppling tipsily through the door, and festive enough to compliment the holiday feel… smiling as you acknowledge the hard work it takes to run a household, hard work that is rewarded with the ultimate nachas and inner joy.