Hundreds of Bochurim gathered in the hall at Beis Rivka for a grand Siyum Horambam, marking the 30th completion of the 3-Prokim-a-day cycle. The event was broadcasted live via and thousands tuned in.

Photos: Bochurim Unite for Siyum HoRambam

Hundreds of Bochurim gathered in the hall at Beis Rivka for a grand Siyum Horambam, marking the 30th completion of the 3-Prokim-a-day cycle. The event was broadcasted live via and thousands tuned in.

Speakers at the event included Rabbi Aharon Dovid Gancz who also emceed the event, Rabbi Yoel Kahan, Rabbi Chaim Schapiro, Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipskar, Rabbi Yisroel Friedman and Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov.


  • Chaim Gurevitch

    I was there, the respected speakers inspired me to try pay attention and understand my daily study of Rambam, not only saying it as Tehilim. It was definitely a kidush shem Harebe.

  • Beautiful event!!!

    Thank you to the organizers, can’t wait for next years event with Moshiach!!

  • Ohoeli Torah????!!!!!!!

    was not allowed to attend the event! yeshiva from all over came in, but the main “flagship” school was forbidden by the hanhola to attend, and even warned with a knas if they would not be in regular seder!
    Is a Siyum not part of the Rebbe“s inyonim?
    Shame on those who mix politics and personal agenda’s in the ”flagship School“ – and that says it all the ”FLAG” school

  • woooowww!! Beautiful!!

    Which Yeshivas came in?

    Thak you Aguch and thank you Vaad Hatmimim!

    (Where can i see a video??)