Chicago Celebrates Rambam Siyum Like Never Before

The completion of the 30th cycle of Rambam study brought Chicago Jewry together like never before. Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshivos, and Rosh Kollelim affiliated with every segment of the community joined in an unprecedented show of Achdus – all in connection with the Rambam. The two part program, the first a Grand Siyum Celebration last Thursday evening and the second a full day long Yom Iyun on Rambam this past Sunday, is literally the talk of the town.

The Chabad Mosdos in Chicago joined together to organize this two part Rambam Celebration in honor of the completion the 30th cycle of study of three chapters daily of Mishneh Torah of the Rambam & Sefer HaMitzvos and the 10th cycle of one chapter a day. The first event was the standing room only Siyum that took place in the Doubletree Hotel in Skokie. The second event was a day long Yom Iyun in Rambam that took place in the Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago.

The Rambam celebration began with Rabbi Eli Nosson Silberberg, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Lubavitch Mesivta, welcoming all those that were in attendance. In the spirit of Chodesh Adar guest entertainer Eli Marcus accompanied by Yisroel Benjamin presented Chassidishe musical selections that continued throughout the evening. The first speaker was Yosef Avrohom Staal a student at Cheder Lubavitch Hebrew Day School who made the Siyum on Sefer HaMitzvos.

Rabbi Daniel Raccah, the Rav of the Ohel Shalom Torah Center, a dayan in the CRC and a well known Sefardic leader, intrigued the audience with a talk of the importance of daily study of the Rambam as instituted by the Rebbe.

Rabbi Baruch Hertz, Rav of Cong. Bnei Ruven and the Lubavitch community in Chicago, made the Siyum on the entire Mishneh Torah, followed by a musical medley by a trio of Mesivta bochurim. Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz, head shliach to Illinois, gave over a Rambam message in light of the month of Adar and introduced a JEM video of the Rebbe from the first Siyum HaRambam in 5745. This was followed by Rabbi Moshe B. Perlstein, dean of the Lubavitch Mesivta, who began the next cycle of the Rambam.

The highlight of the evening was when Rabbi Yosef Chazan of Manchester, England stepped up to the stage for his address. Rabbi Chazan, who is well known for his powerful and inspirational talks, mesmerized the audience with his oration.

The second part of the celebration was a Yom Iyun which took place Sunday at the Lubavitch Mesivta with the following speakers: Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz – Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois, Rabbi Rueven Brand – Kollel Torah Mitzion, Rabbi Yehoshua Eichenstein – Cong. Atereth Yehoshua, Rabbi Baruch Hertz – Congregation Bnei Ruven, Rabbi Gedaliah Schwartz – Av Beis Din Chicago Rabbinical Council & RCA, Rabbi Dovid Zucker – Chicago Community Kollel, Rabbi Moshe B. Perlstein – Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago, Rabbi Avrohom Friedman – Hebrew Theological College / Beis Medrash L’Torah, Rabbi Moshe Moscowitz – Chicago Rabbinical Council.

The Yom Iyun was followed by Farbrengen by Rabbi Yosef Cohen and Rabbi Eli Nosson Silberberg of the Lubavitch Mesivta.

The four Mosdos that worked tirelessly to organize these events were: Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois, Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago, Cong. Bnei Ruven, and Cheder Lubavitch Hebrew Day School. Additionally, Shluchim from throughout the area helped publicize these events.

As a result of these events many more have joined the ranks of those studying the Rambam daily, including a newly formed daily Rambam shiur at Cong. Bnei Ruven.

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