St. Petersburg Synagogue Firebombed

Times Live

Interior of the great Choral Synagogue in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Unknown attackers threw a pair of firebombs at a Russian synagogue, the Interfax news agency reported on Tuesday.

The attack took place during the late hours of Monday night in St Petersburg, some 650 kilometres north of the capital Moscow.

The building, located in a working-class neighbourhood of the Baltic port city, was not damaged, nor was any synagogue staff injured, the report said.

One of the devices, a bottle filled with petrol, ricocheted off the synagogue wall and may have injured the attacker, a synagogue spokesman said.

Anti-semitic incidents take place regularly in Russia, particularly in major cities with relatively large Jewish populations.

Attacks usually take the form of anonymous attempts to damage Jewish-owned property, with physical assaults taking place less frequently. Perpetrators are often nationalist extremists.


  • Fed Up

    It looks like several different sources could have perpotrated this attack: Either, white power knuckleheads, leftist communists, and/or jihadi terrorists. Either way, all of them are on the same side and should all be exterminated. Please President Obama, comment anytime on this attack. Or sympathize with anti-semitic vermon as you usually do.

  • Genug shoyn

    When a rav mi-taam poses with a corrupt dictator, lowlives get angry at all Jews.

    No excuse for what happened – but the rav mi-taam has made a career out of sweeping anti-Semitism under the rug on behalf of his master.