Boys from Rabbi Raskin's first grade class in Lubavitcher Yeshiva went on a Purim adventure, solving riddles that lead them through the four mitzvos of Purim along Kingston Avenue's shops. In the picture above, R' Shloimy Klein of HaSofer explains fascinating details about the writing of a Megilla.

Picture of Day: Children Embark on Purim Adventure

Boys from Rabbi Raskin‘s first grade class in Lubavitcher Yeshiva went on a Purim adventure, solving riddles that lead them through the four mitzvos of Purim along Kingston Avenue’s shops. In the picture above, R’ Shloimy Klein of HaSofer explains fascinating details about the writing of a Megilla.


  • Cute kids!

    I saw the talmidim walking in pairs along the street & go into the building. They looked so sweet & Rabbi Raskin gave them a little pep talk about being quiet. They seem to listen to their Rebbe. I hope they enjoyed the experience, a little “field trip” is nice!

  • kol hakovod

    Kol hakovod to the rebbi and parents who arranged it, my son loved it and its nice that they did something special for them, somehow the local kids are a bit neglected when it comes to yom toivim because our focus is on shlichus etc and we forget about our own.

    Shkoyach Reb moishe for making your business so open and available so people can learn about stam