Video – Anshe Sholom Chabad Center Gunning for Terrorist

By Reuven Fenton and Andy Geller for the NY Post

FOREST HILLS, NY — It’s high noon for the high holidays.

Fearing jihadists will attack synagogues during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, a group of badass rabbis has developed a program to turn your average shul-goer into a lean, mean fighting machine.

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Elul: Can Peace Really be on the Horizon?

Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba on the backround of his letter.

As it seems from a letter that was distributed to homes in Crown Heights this week, Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba has taken the first step to ending the madness and infighting in the Crown Heights Beis Din. The following is a translation of the letter.

BS”D. 13th of Elul, Chodesh of Rachamim, 5769.

To Anash residing in Crown Heights – Kan Tziva Hashem es Habrocho – and to Anash worldwide who cherish the Rebbe’s Shcchuna. Hashem bless you all.

As a follow up to my letter of Rosh Chodesh Elul, I am pleased to notify Anash in Crown Heights and worldwide that, with Hashem’s help, we have successfully reached an agreement for a Din Torah to deal with all the topics related to the disagreements in our shechuna over the past years. Since Torah was given to bring peace in the world we are assured that through a Din Torah peace will reign in our shechuna.

Rubashkin Trial Moved to South Dakota

By Lynda Waddington for the iowa Independent

Citing media accounts that prohibit seating of an impartial jury, U.S. District Court Judge Linda R. Reade ruled Tuesday that a trial for four former Agriprocessors supervisors will be moved to Sioux Falls, S.D.

Water Carrier: Rabbi Fights Southern California Fire with Love

By Dvora Lakein for

Rabbi Chaim Hanoka bringing water to the firefighter’s staging area, roughly 20 miles from his home.

PASADENA, CA — It has been a long and smoky week in Southern California as firefighters valiantly battle the area’s largest-ever fire and residents race to safety. With 58,000 hectares of land charred, fire officials are now declaring 38 percent containment.

“But that’s still almost 70 percent that remains unchecked,” worries Rabbi Chaim Hanoka.