Yeshiva Farbrengs in Honor of Founding of Tomchei Temimim

Temimim learning this year in Chovevei Torah Mesivta and Zal sat down for a Seudah and Farbrenged in honor of the ‘yom hisyasdus’ [the day of the founding] of Tomchei Temimim.

Rabbi Leibel Altein, a Maggid Shiur and Mashpia in the yeshiva, told a story about his grandfather, R. Yisroel Jacobson, who was among the first Lubavitchers to arrive in a America along with the Frierdiker Rebbe, and is credited with starting the first Tomchei Temimim here.

Rabbi Altein related the following story how his great grandfather was taking his son, R. Yisroel, to the train station in Russia where he was going to send him off to a ‘Mizrachist’ school, only they missed the train. The two sat down and decided to wait for the next train which would come later on that day.

While waiting a Jew approached and asked them where they were heading, and he told him the name of the city in which the school was, the Yid asked in shock “to where you sending your kid? To a Mizrachist school?” he pointed across the platform at a gentile woman and asked him “would you like your son to be like her?” [Referring to the observing of Yiddishkiet] “send your son to Lubavitch, there he will educate him well.”

Being the simple man he was he listed and simply put him on a different train which was heading to Lubavitch. This was the beginning of what would become Tomchei Temimim in America.

Upon arriving in America, the Frierdiker Rebbe turned to R. Yisroel and asked him “how can it be that we are in America for 24 hours and there still isn’t a Tomchei Temimim?” understanding the urgency he set out and established the first Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim in America.

attending the farbrengen were members of the Hanholo of both the Mesivta and Zal including; Rabbi Kalmen Weinfeld, Menahel Ruchni of Zal, Rabbi Binyomin Baras, Rosh Mochon Hasmicha and Meishiv in Nigleh and Chassidus, Rabbi Berel Lipsker, Mashpia, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Paltiel, Mashpia, and Rabbi Levi Lazar, Mashpia. Rabbi Menachem Misky, Menahel Ruchni of Mesivta, Rabbi Levi Tenenbaum, Mashpia in Mesivta, and Rabbi Eli Labkowski, Mashgiach.