Israeli prosecutors crack down saying a kidney ring preyed upon the poor. CNN's Drew Griffin reports.

Video – Organ Harvesting in Israel

Israeli prosecutors crack down saying a kidney ring preyed upon the poor. CNN’s Drew Griffin reports.


  • Perps: Yidden or just Israeli (Arab) ?

    I hear on the video that the ”Israeli doctor“ did the surgeries in the Ukraine. But was that ”Israeli doctor“ a Yid?

    (The article talks about the non-Jewish donors as mostly ”Israeli Arabs.“)

    And were the ”broker“ and the ”dealer“ Yidden, or ”Israeli Arabs“?

    The only people clearly mentioned as ”Jews“ in this video are the recipients of the kidneys, who presumably did not necessarily know all of the details in where their replacement kidneys came from, nor the grisly circumstances of the ”donation“ of these organs.

    As my mother, A”H, always used to say when she heard about awful “white collar” crimes like this, “Please G-d, let it not be a Jew who did it!”