Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba on the backround of his letter.

As it seems from a letter that was distributed to homes in Crown Heights this week, Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba has taken the first step to ending the madness and infighting in the Crown Heights Beis Din. The following is a translation of the letter.

BS”D. 13th of Elul, Chodesh of Rachamim, 5769.

To Anash residing in Crown Heights - Kan Tziva Hashem es Habrocho - and to Anash worldwide who cherish the Rebbe's Shcchuna. Hashem bless you all.

As a follow up to my letter of Rosh Chodesh Elul, I am pleased to notify Anash in Crown Heights and worldwide that, with Hashem's help, we have successfully reached an agreement for a Din Torah to deal with all the topics related to the disagreements in our shechuna over the past years. Since Torah was given to bring peace in the world we are assured that through a Din Torah peace will reign in our shechuna.

Elul: Can Peace Really be on the Horizon?

Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba on the backround of his letter.

As it seems from a letter that was distributed to homes in Crown Heights this week, Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba has taken the first step to ending the madness and infighting in the Crown Heights Beis Din. The following is a translation of the letter.

BS”D. 13th of Elul, Chodesh of Rachamim, 5769.

To Anash residing in Crown Heights – Kan Tziva Hashem es Habrocho – and to Anash worldwide who cherish the Rebbe’s Shcchuna. Hashem bless you all.

As a follow up to my letter of Rosh Chodesh Elul, I am pleased to notify Anash in Crown Heights and worldwide that, with Hashem’s help, we have successfully reached an agreement for a Din Torah to deal with all the topics related to the disagreements in our shechuna over the past years. Since Torah was given to bring peace in the world we are assured that through a Din Torah peace will reign in our shechuna.

I hereby inform you that thanks to the tireless efforts of our friend, Horav Hagaon Horav Hachossid Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gluckowsky sheyichye, Rav of Anash in Rechovot Israel, and secretary of the Bais Din of Rabbonei Chabad in Israel, an agreement has been made for a Zabl”o Din Torah.

My selection of Rabbonim includes Horav Hagaon Moshe Havlin sheyichye, Rav of Kiryat Gat and Dayan in Bais Din Rabbonei Chabad in Israel, and Horav Hagaon Binyomin Kuperman sheyichye, Dayan in Bais Din Rabbonei Chabad in Israel. The second party chose Horav Hagaon Yosef Hecht sheyichye, the Rav of Eilat and member of the Bais Din Rabbonei Chabad in Israel, and Horav Hagaon Boruch Boaz Yurkowitz sheyichyc, Rav of Anash in Lod and Dayan in Bais Din Rabonei Chabad in Israel.

The two sides agreed to appoint, Horav Hagaon chorif uboki Rav Avrohom Boruch Rosenberg Shlita, the noted Dayan of Monsey and member of the Badatz Machon L’horo’a in Monsey.

The topics to be discussed include all the issues under dispute in relation to the leadership of the shechuna, the mosad of Rabbonus in our shechuna, matters that relate to Vaad Hakohol leadership, Gabboi’m, Vaad Hakashrus, Netzigim, Board of Elections and additional controversies that have resulted from the above.

On the agenda are the following specific subjects:

1) The elections of Rabbi Schwei.
2) The election of Rabbis Raitport, Zirkind and Segal.
3) Vaad Hakashrus.
4) The Vaad Hakohol elections.
5) The elections for the Gabboi’m.
6) The organization of the Netzigim.
7) Elections committee.
8) The decision makers in election controversies.
9) Credentials of candidates for Vaad Hakohol, Gabbous and other public positions in Crown Heights based on the by-laws approved by shechuna residents.
10) Mesira, from which the shechuna is currently suffering.

On my part, I have signed a shtar borerus, choosing representatives, and I committed myself to litigate in front of a Bais Din Zab/o. I am currently awaiting Rabbi Schwei’s signature (it is also expected that all concerned parties to this litigation will commit to be arbitrated and to adhere to the rulings of this Din Torah). Upon receipt of his signature the court will be notified to suspend the restraining order against the [most recent] elections, which will be dealt with at the Din Torah.

The merit of Torah should stand on our behalf to instill peace in our shechuna and generate nachas for the Rebbe Nesi Dorenu, the Moro D’asra, of our shechuna.

Respectfully, and with blessing for a Kesiva Va’chasima Tova, a good and sweet year.

(–) Horav Avrohom Osdoba


  • Concerned

    Why does this have to be on the Web ???

    This should be done quietly between the rabanim.

  • Madd in bklyn

    I wonder if the subject of the the messira againts the shomrim/hershkops and friends commited by the shmira and mishchistim working hand in hand will be one of the agenda. I suspect that it wont be because the messira was commited by osdabos ‘people’ againts those that are not ‘his people’.
    It’s really amazing though how all of a sudden osdabo is up in arms againts messira, where’s he been for 12 years while people like spritzer roamed loose dragging families through court, slandering, and libeling them, and forget about the chillul hashem/lubavitch. When someone asks me today if I am chabad/lubavitch I just laugh and say I am just from crown heights.

  • Kashrus

    How about the theft of the Vaad Hakashrus by certain individuals as well as an entire family of corrupt hooligans who have shamed the CHK….and made sure it wont/cant become a viable respectable organization ?

    CHK a family business… pilfering , profiteering from a piggy bank for some pennies….while the community recoils in disgust ?

  • Meir


    It is about time. Hallelukah

    PS: To mad

    Rav Osdoba didn’t exactly support Yankel Spritzer

  • Madd in bklyn

    To concerned:

    It has to be all over the place, on the web, on the street, and in your home, schools, and workplace, OSDABO helped create the mossrim that masseres him, animals usually do what they are trained to do. IF YOU ARE SO CONCERNED BE CONCERNED IN THE PERDUIT OF TRUTH AND JUSTICE FOR THOSE SCORNED HURT, AND BURNT BY THISE POSING AS RIGHTEOUS JEW “JUST DOING WHATS BEST FOR THE COMMUNITY” burying your head in the sand and keeping silent is tantamount to actively assisting the mossrim in the messiros.

  • be real

    Lets be realistic about this. There will not be any peace. its a good idea and it should happen, but it just won’t.

    Just look at the past and you’ll know what coming.

    The other web sites (mendle hendels chabad.info) are not reporting this, this means from their point of few its not happening.

  • CR

    “This should be done quietly between the rabanim.”

    Normally that would be true. However, given the level of rumor and public recriminations from both sides it is absolutely essential that this proceeding be publicly acknowledged. It shows that both Rabbis Osdoba and Schwei take their public standing seriously and are taking the necessary steps to rebuild their credibility and to silence the Kalloh She’aino Posik. Otherwise, the public mistrust by the Hamon Am will continue, even if the Rabbonim find mutual ground between themselves.

  • to confused

    to confused
    Rabbi Osdoba’s seat in Rabbonus was comfirmed by the Rebbe in 5746 after the elections then. the rebbe approved of him and a rav approved by the rebbe doesnt need the approval of simple ballei batim as ourselves.

  • Mr. Bet This Won-t Get Published

    Notice the little dig in Rabbi Osdoba’s letter stating he is “still awaiting the signature of Rabbi Shwei.” He just couldn’t hold back from writing that, could he? It is those little things that chip away from what could have been good. When we try to set ourselves up as The Good One then there is no equal playing field. This is “peace?”

  • skeptic in CH

    As someone who has absolutely no respect for any of them, i would like to hope that indeed, “peace will reign in our Schechuna.”

    Unfortunately, history doesn’t give me any hope that it will happen. I’m going to be a very interested bystander & take a wait-&-see approach.

    Does this mean all those Mosdos will not have to be investigated? Or (as I suspect) it’s too late for that?

  • Wonderful

    Great! Any such move can only be positive – if it generates machlokes, then we are no worse off than at present; if it helps even slightly, then we are far better off than at present. Why nitpick? Just pray this turns out well for the entire community. Shanah Tovah everyone!

  • Gaboim?

    #5 Gaboyim Issue?? This is not ALLOWED to be dealt with! This does not belomg to either party. According to the Rebbe – This belongs to Agudas Chassedi Chabad.
    No Rav, under any circumstances,has any permission to give his Dayos about this!!

  • I don-t get it!!!

    Why is Rabbi Schwei’s election up for discussion?
    Doesn’t this show a lack of sincerity on Rabbi Osdoba’s behalf?

  • Mendel

    What happens if the Sperlin faction loses? Will Mayor Bloomberg be brought in to re-install Chanina as head of Anash?

  • Not everyone is stupid

    Crownheights.info, if you wish to be a credible voice in the community, please be honest. Why don’t you question the following:

    1. Was this document drafted by Rabbi Osdoba’s associates and signed by him and then publicized?

    2. Was this perhaps a “draft” document that was in the process of being circulated – as is custom – between the parties for comment and refinement prior to an acceptable document being signed by both parties?

    3. Did Rabbi Osdoba take the draft document and unilaterally make changes to his liking and sign and publicize, thereby creating the appearance of his readiness to come to a din-torah, but in fact it was a cynical, sneaky version of “…… kosher fiselech”?

    4. Perhaps the document was being negotiated in “good faith” and Rabbi Schwei was waiting for final draft to sign but was preempted?

    Please honestly report or question.
    Anybody with half a brain in his head can see that Kman and co’s niderikeit is at work!

  • moishe

    Chabad.info has posted a letter signed by rabbis ozdoba AND rabbi schwei though I did notice that it does not say on it exactly which issues are up for discussion.

    Can’t get any worse so this is is a step in the right direction. Just to throw some cold water though, zabla’s have fallen apart before by rabbanim dropping out.

  • Mendel

    What a joke! Everyone knows that Rabbi Osdoba is the whole has has refused to go to a din torah for the past 7 years!!!

  • Thank you Rav Osdoba

    Blessed be Rav Osdoba!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

    Thank you Rav Gluckowsky, as well.

  • Right, Wrong and Mesira

    Truth be told as a resident in Crown Heights I never cared for any of these people (Osdoba, Sperlin, Vaad Hakoule, Mishichistim etc…).
    Neither do I care now. both sides are convinced that the regular Crown Heightser really cares about their stupid fight.
    Either side here is bad news, after all, ALL of them (Chanina, Hendel and the mishichistim) are the cause of much Machlokes and Mesira for the last 30 years.

    But still, I do care about the Mesiras that are happening. That does bother me, It always did (no matter who was doing it and no matter to whom it was done) and it must stop!

  • world goes round!

    Was it not Osdoba and Merolw which brought this mesira to Crown Height, together with the people (Chanina, Spritzer and co.) doing this mesira?
    I’m not justifying this mesira, I agree with what Osdoba wrote, Halacha is still Halacha, but 30 years to late.

    My message to Rabbi Osdoba is, this is your monster, your creation, deal with it!

  • Noson A. Kopel, Esq.

    This was not the result of the work of Rabbi Osdoba alone. It is a positive move toward a compromise, resulting from the diligent efforts (behind the scenes) of several parties on both sides. Rabbi Osdoba, in trying to take credit in his letter, is merely attempting to create “spin” to make his positions appear more favorable.

    Regardless, let’s hope this is a move which will lead to peace (or at least a working coexistence) within and among the Crown Heights Community and its mosdos.

    If we truly believe “Here is commanded the Brocha”, then let us all work to make ourselves and our community a “proper kaily” to receive this brocha.

    Kisiva V’Chasma Tova.





  • gabboim

    Can you please show me a tzetl from the Rebbe where he writes that Achuch is in charge of the gabboim of 770?

  • shmuel y

    Step one should be the fact that they take power that does not belong to them, noted… 770. Maybe first if they agreed to actully follow the Rebbes direct vocal both to all as well as to Rabbi Hadokov, as well as written publications regarding what these Rabbononon should even have to rights too there would be no need to go to a bes din…

  • Chaim H.

    If Rabbis Osdoba came out with a letter like this (bellow), then maybe I could believe that there will be some type of peace. I’m not going to ignore the Fact that Rabbi Osdoba stood by (for many years), as a viscous Mesira was taking place against 7 of our families. Even more then just standing by, perhaps even giving a hand to the mossier.

    Rabbi Osdoba must ask forgiveness from all those (individuals and families) that he caused unnecessary pain and loss. 1. Rabbi Dovid Fisher and family 2. Aguch and Merkaz (Rabbi Y.Krinsky and A. Shemtov and family etc…) and 3. All those involved in the Machne Menachem Case (S. Heber and Family, Mendle and Meir Hershkop and Family, Y. Goldman and family. L.Hartman and family. And anybody else who may have gotten wrongful hurt by many wrongful actions done by his (and associates hands).
    It is my hopes that he does the right thing!

    “Whatever happens to us is no random event, G-d forbid, as the Rambam says. Everything is from Heaven, signaling to us to examine our deeds and correct whatever is deficient, especially something similar to what has happened.

    Thinking about this lawsuit and how much our accusers and others have worked to vilify us, I began to realize the gravity of the sin of which many of us have been guilty, or at least to which we have silently acquiesced – of publicly denouncing Chassidim, Roshei Yeshiva, Mashpiyim, Shluchim, honest and upright Jews.

    We were allowed to do it for the sake of Kovod HaRabbonim – without realizing that we were being misled by quarrelsome troublemakers out to advance their own agenda!

    If we five have had to suffer, let us at least serve as a public example of how far controversy and personal agendas can lead, so that we can all learn from now on to avoid hatred and dissension like fire, and to be careful in treating everyone – whether we agree with him or not – with respect and true Ahavas Yisrael.

    May it be Hashem’s will that peace and unity be restored to our community, as befitting for Chassidim, and that the community of Crown Heights should regain its fine name, and be a worthy vessel for the Brochos of the Rebbe that “Kan Tziva Hashem Es Habracha”. As our sages teach us, “G-d found no better vessel for blessings than peace”, and may we merit the ultimate blessing of the immediate and true redemption, speedily and in our days.
    Wishing everyone a kosher and joyous Pesach,
    Rabbi Shmuel Heber”

    [Taken from Parshas Machne Menachem, which can be found…

  • Crown Heights Resident

    Kesiva Vechasima Tovah to all. Please, it hurts me to read negative comments on this site. It is Elul, Hashem is in the field. We are just a few days before Rosh Hashana. My fellow Jews, let’s speak nicely about and to each other in the coming year. If you do have some negative comments to make, please dont leave them here…write them on a paper and throw it out!! Let’s live up to our description of a “light unto the nations’.

  • tzvi

    shmuel y can you explain what you wrote in plain english?
    as far as I heard from the Rebbe was that makirim should produce a ksav when they say things in his name. regarding Rabbonim listening to the Rebbes directive I agree. There is a clear tzetl where the Rebbe writes to Rabbi Osdoba not to mix into kehilo matters like elections for vaad hakohol. telling him clearly that it’s nogea leosid (now?).

  • What a Big JOKE

    His Chasima is not worth 2 cents.

    He is already on record and he has a Chazaka to nullify his own signature.

    He can sign a paper and 2 hours later find some lame excuse why he has charata.
    He did this when he signed to agree to a Din Torah with the Vaad Hakohol (Hertzog was then Vaad Hakohol) and the Din Torah was if Rabbi Osdoba has a right to take over finacial matters of the CHK Kashrus or if it belongs to the Vaad Hakohol.

    Rabbi Osdoba Lost the Din Torah (Hertzog Won The Din Torah) yet refused to honor the Psak Din.

    Likewise with the election for the 3 fake “rabbi’s”, Segal, Zrikind and Reitport, Rabbi Osdoba signed a letter to suspend and cancel those elections, then when Boimlgreen told Osdoba he will no longer give him money unless he changes his mind, so Rabbi Osdoba, changed his mind, nullified his own prior signed documents, he had agreed to, only hours before.

    Rabbi Osdoba was placed in Cherem for refusing to abide to the Din Torah of Zabla, which he had agreed to, by the Beis Tzedek Of America Ein Yosef.

    Only after Rabbi Osdoba was in Cherem for almost 1/2 a year, was he finally compelled to comply with the Din Torah.

    So lets not be so Naive to believe a signature of someone who does not even respect his own signature.

  • Been there before

    Oh Please… whoever said this should be done quietly, remember these words: “ We are only as sick as our secrets” That is the major problem with Chabad as a whole,( and yes I know first hand) they keep secrets never really wanting anyone to know the truth. Why? Because if you knew the truth about some “people” you would never get involved. It is always someone elses fault. The corruption has gotten out of control with those who arrogantly hold power.