By Reuven Fenton and Andy Geller for the NY Post

FOREST HILLS, NY — It's high noon for the high holidays.

Fearing jihadists will attack synagogues during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, a group of badass rabbis has developed a program to turn your average shul-goer into a lean, mean fighting machine.

Video – Anshe Sholom Chabad Center Gunning for Terrorist

By Reuven Fenton and Andy Geller for the NY Post

FOREST HILLS, NY — It’s high noon for the high holidays.

Fearing jihadists will attack synagogues during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, a group of badass rabbis has developed a program to turn your average shul-goer into a lean, mean fighting machine.

The group, which calls itself the International Security Coalition of Clergy, was founded by Rabbi Gary Moscowitz, who boasts a black belt in karate, teaches martial arts and was an NYPD cop for nine years.

He’s teaching others basic and advanced fighting moves — how to take down a terrorist by the neck, how to use a table as cover from gunfire and how to execute a nifty running somersault while drawing a gun — that he says can be used by Jews if they’re attacked by terrorists during prayer.

“Jews are not like Christians,” Moscowitz said. “If I turn my cheek, I’m coming around to make a kick.”

Moscowitz said he doesn’t think Muslims in general are a threat, but “extremist groups are.”

“We’re just worried about the safety of the houses of worship that are being threatened with rhetoric on regular basis and extremism,” the 52-year- old rabbi said.

Moscowitz said few people took him seriously until May, when the FBI busted homegrown Muslim terrorists for allegedly plotting to blow up synagogues in The Bronx.

Since then, he said, his phone has been ringing off the hook and he created a 100-hour course for synagogue self-defense.

Moscowitz said NYPD officers aren’t qualified to guard synagogues because they don’t know members of the congregation.

“A terrorist could put a yarmulke on, say, ‘Happy holidays,’ and blow the place up,” he said.

NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said the rabbi had been fired in the early 1990s from the force, but didn’t know details. Asked about Moscowitz’s criticism of the NYPD, Browne opted for a biblical-like statement.

“Blessed are the tight of lip,” he said, “for they shall resist speaking ill of the ill-informed.”


  • Anon.

    I think a lot of people will get chizuk from this; from seeing that they are interested in defending themselves and keeping up going to shul even in difficulty. May they have everything peacfully!

  • Anon.

    It’s a halacha in Shulchan Aruch: If a group comes to attack a Jewish city, go out preemptively to fight them with weapons; even on Shabbos.

  • bb

    this is a very stupid thing to show everybody on the newspapers about your tactics of self defense,why does the whole entire world has to know how are you going to defend yourself,I believe that wasn’t very smart,but i also believe that in CH it should be that people are getting trained.Thanks very much!

  • joe

    Gun permits are basically imposable to get in NYC so I don’t know what this training will help for I mean the intention is good but unless we fight to change the laws some of which where made by misguided lubavitchers

  • Buyer Beware

    I usually don’t make negative comments about a writer. But…did anyone here ever meet “Rabbi” Gary Moscowitz? Ask Crown Heightsers in his age group what they remember about him. And ask the NYPD about his status. I feel that in this case it’s imortant to let it be known that this “Gun-totin’ Rabbi’ does mean well and is certainly not dangerous but also not exactly stable. I would stay away. Needless to add, that Hashem is our only Shield, but even in the natural way of the world, the NYPD should beef up security or shuls hire extra security. This is frightening.
    Kesivah V’Chasimah Tovah to CHI and all of Klal Yisrael. Hopefully, there will be no need to learn how to use a gun.

  • anon

    The one thing that is more dangerous than no protection, is putting guns in the had of the untrained or badly trained. What happenes if they panic at anything and start shooting. PPl with guns need to have very extensive training.

  • Boruch ben Tzvi (A H)HaKohaine Hoffinger

    I agree with Anon.
    All the negative comments are coming from
    a bad place.
    A Yid has to proceed ‘lefi teva.’
    Peace and security to all Am Yisroel!
    Shana Tova!

  • Zev

    G-d bless this rabbi. What a brilliant idea! What mitzvah is greater than protecting and saving your life and that of fellow Jews?

  • Shootin tootin rabbis

    Wow! I’m gonna be careful not to get the rabbi angry…ya jus neva know! I gots me enuff holes in ma hed.

  • Yahoshooa ben Yakov

    While I am aware that many frown upon the idea of being armed and prepared in Shul; and, I am aware that guns are nearly impossible to leagally possess in NYC; however, it is Hashem who mandates us to protect the gift of our lives and the lives of others.

    The level of training depicted in Rabbi Moskowitz video is, at best, inadaquate. However, I believe that his intentions are proper and necessary. We should all practice פיקוח נפש‎ (pikuach nefesh) and obtain relevant training from QUALIFIED instructors.