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A day in Riverside

As we pulled up to the address on our list we were greeted by a man.

“Hello, Rabbis in Riverside geveld” the man said.

“Hi My name is Chaim and this is Mendy” I said.

“I am Shmuel, Shmuel Kahn” he said with a smile.

Picture of the Day – The Rebbe 1970!

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The Rebbe standing outside of his room in the late 1970’s.

Special thanks to the “Rebbe Archive” for the picture. To see more pictures of the Rebbe visit

Summer Camp, Forced to Travel, Gives Teenagers Dose of Restructured Fun

By Joshua Runyan

Displaced campers from South Padre Island visit the Texas State Capitol in Austin after Hurricane Dolly led the staff of Camp Gan Israel to plan an ever-changing road trip.

AUSTIN, TX — With the clean-up from Hurricane Dolly continuing apace, the South Texas Jewish summer camp that was forced from their island home by the approaching storm has not yet returned to its tropical paradise. But rather than close up shop, the Chabad-Lubavitch run Camp Gan Israel of South Padre Island is continuing with its hastily executed road trip across the Lone Star State.

Spanish is Back

BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — Spanish subtitles are now available on Living Torah disk #52. In keeping with the Spanish theme, the former president of Uruguay Luis Alberto Lacalle de Herrara is featured receiving dollars on his visit to the Rebbe while running for president in June 1989. In addition Rabbi Moshe Herson speaks about his trip to Cuba, Colombia and Venezuela in 1959 as a bochur on Merkos Shlichus.

To order click here or call 718-774-6000.

Of Three Visits and One Very Old Kippa – Ireland

By Baruch Davidson and Pinny Raitman –

Eric is a proud Jew who was raised in South Africa. After living in Israel for eight years, he moved to Ireland where he works as an anesthesiologist. A few years back, he bought a pair of Tefillin from the roving rabbis which he has been putting on every weekday since. Of course, he was excited to meet with us, despite the fact that he had other company scheduled for that evening.

Virtual L’Chaim –

WESTWOOD, CA [CHI] — A virtual L’Chaim ribbon-cutting ceremony was held today as the brand new Chabad Telethon website went LIVE (or ‘TO LIFE’). Yes, is the website address. Some new features include new and old videos, a tolife blog and other things to get your fingers dancing.

One more notable feature on You can watch the Chabad Telethon live – Sunday, September 14, 2008.

Dozens of Jewish Communities Unite at Summer Camp

ROSTOV-ON-DON, Russia [FJC] — More than 150 children have just finished spending a wonderful two weeks a the ‘Amichai’ camp, run by the Jewish community of Rostov-on-Don and sponsored by the Ohr Avner Foundation and the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia. At a picturesque site on the bank of the Don River, participants came from multiple locations including Orenburg, Perm, Krasnodar, Volgograd, Kostroma, Kursk, Novorossiisk, Novocherkassk, Sochi, Svetliy Yar, and numerous other smaller cities.

Combating Jewish Materialism – A Jewish Peace Corps

By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

Materialism is becoming a cancer to the American Jewish community. Our children feel entitled. They are often spoiled. They take and do not know how to give back. They are part of a ‘me’ generation where self-absorption is lifetime’s calling.

That’s why this summer I arranged for three of my teenage children to work as volunteers in the children’s camp of Rabbi Yossi Turk in Cordoba, Argentina. The work is not easy and our children, while working very hard, also complained that there weren’t enough recreational outlets. I reminded them that Rabbi Turk and his wife have been in Cordoba ensuring that thousands of Israeli backpackers have a place for Shabbos not for two weeks, but for 22 years. You don’t hear them complaining.

Multi Car Accident on Empire Blvd

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Three cars were involved in a multi car accident on Empire Boulevard near the intersection of Albany Avenue. The incident took place at around 4:00pm on Sunday where one car for no apparent reason slammed into the rear of two cars in front of him.

Lubavitcher Chef Featured in the NY Daily News

CHI: A feature article in the past Sunday’s Daily news was a focuses on culinary careers in which 5 chefs were featured, among them was this Lubavitcher.

Yosef Schwartz

Culinary Careers Moving to the Front Burner

Yosef SchwartzCrown Heights, Brooklyn

While growing up in Los Angeles, Yosef Schwartz became hooked on New York during frequent visits his family made to see relatives and friends.

He also became hooked on cooking, although his father, a rabbi, insisted that his sons complete their religious education.

Schwartz, 27, made his father proud, completing studies at Brooklyn’s Yeshiva Ohlei Torah at age 20.