CHI: A feature article in the past Sunday’s Daily news was a focuses on culinary careers in which 5 chefs were featured, among them was this Lubavitcher.

Yosef Schwartz
Culinary Careers Moving to the Front Burner

Yosef Schwartz - Crown Heights, Brooklyn

While growing up in Los Angeles, Yosef Schwartz became hooked on New York during frequent visits his family made to see relatives and friends.

He also became hooked on cooking, although his father, a rabbi, insisted that his sons complete their religious education.

Schwartz, 27, made his father proud, completing studies at Brooklyn's Yeshiva Ohlei Torah at age 20.

Lubavitcher Chef Featured in the NY Daily News

CHI: A feature article in the past Sunday’s Daily news was a focuses on culinary careers in which 5 chefs were featured, among them was this Lubavitcher.

Yosef Schwartz

Culinary Careers Moving to the Front Burner

Yosef SchwartzCrown Heights, Brooklyn

While growing up in Los Angeles, Yosef Schwartz became hooked on New York during frequent visits his family made to see relatives and friends.

He also became hooked on cooking, although his father, a rabbi, insisted that his sons complete their religious education.

Schwartz, 27, made his father proud, completing studies at Brooklyn’s Yeshiva Ohlei Torah at age 20.

“I performed weddings right out of school,” Schwartz said. “The first was a friend’s from Arizona, right after I got my rabbinical degree. It was a really small wedding in their backyard.”

Schwartz’s father made good on his promise to fund his son’s culinary education, and Schwartz earned his associate’s degree from the California School of Culinary Arts in Pasadena. He specialized in French cuisine.

With his new expertise in classic French techniques, Schwartz landed a $15 an hour job with a kosher caterer in L.A.

Schwartz didn’t mind the meager pay because “down the line, if I can’t earn great money from it, I believe I will have a better quality of life doing something I love.”

Today, he’s executive chef and a shareholder in the Brooklyn kitchen of Fresh Diet, which delivers three meals and two snacks at $35 to $45 a day. (A kosher option is $39.99.)

“I make the menus and run the daily production of the meals,” said Schwartz, who earns $60,000 a year. “I’m in the health industry. I believe that that’s the future.”