WESTWOOD, CA [CHI] — A virtual L'Chaim ribbon-cutting ceremony was held today as the brand new Chabad Telethon website went LIVE (or 'TO LIFE'). Yes, toLife.com is the website address. Some new features include new and old videos, a tolife blog and other things to get your fingers dancing.

One more notable feature on tolife.com: You can watch the Chabad Telethon live - Sunday, September 14, 2008.

Virtual L’Chaim – toLife.com

WESTWOOD, CA [CHI] — A virtual L’Chaim ribbon-cutting ceremony was held today as the brand new Chabad Telethon website went LIVE (or ‘TO LIFE’). Yes, toLife.com is the website address. Some new features include new and old videos, a tolife blog and other things to get your fingers dancing.

One more notable feature on tolife.com: You can watch the Chabad Telethon live – Sunday, September 14, 2008.

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