BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — Spanish subtitles are now available on Living Torah disk #52. In keeping with the Spanish theme, the former president of Uruguay Luis Alberto Lacalle de Herrara is featured receiving dollars on his visit to the Rebbe while running for president in June 1989. In addition Rabbi Moshe Herson speaks about his trip to Cuba, Colombia and Venezuela in 1959 as a bochur on Merkos Shlichus.

To order click here or call 718-774-6000.

Spanish is Back

BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — Spanish subtitles are now available on Living Torah disk #52. In keeping with the Spanish theme, the former president of Uruguay Luis Alberto Lacalle de Herrara is featured receiving dollars on his visit to the Rebbe while running for president in June 1989. In addition Rabbi Moshe Herson speaks about his trip to Cuba, Colombia and Venezuela in 1959 as a bochur on Merkos Shlichus.

To order click here or call 718-774-6000.


  • you and me

    this is not enough. we want more vidoes of the rebbe, not only living torah!

  • CH Bochur

    Dear “you and me ” instead of complaining why don’t you make a contribution, then perhaps JEM will be able to release more videos of the Rebbe!
    JEM are doing a great job, its about time we all support them.