Assisted-Living Seniors to Mix With Preschoolers at Innovative South Florida Residence

Bernard Baumgarten of Sunrise, Fla., says his situation is all too common. Past his 90th birthday, he is looking for a place to live where he and his wife, Lily, can enjoy the rest of their golden years without having to bother with shopping or cleaning. And he also doesn’t want to compromise their religious ideals: He wants there to be a synagogue close enough for them to walk to on Shabbat and Jewish holidays.

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Rabbi Accuses Baci Weiler of Hypocrisy

Rabbi Zvi Drizin, a Shliach in Dallas, TX, published on his blog the following open letter to Baci Weiler, a woman whose photo of her putting on Tefilin with a Lubavitcher Bochur – who thought she was a male – took social media by storm.

Picture of the Day: French Twins Donate DVDs

Just in time for summer vacation, one of the Twins from France stopped by the offices of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn to donate hundreds of their latest DVDs to be enjoyed by all the families of the Friendship Circle over the summer months. The gift was heartily accepted by FC director Berel Majesky, himself a twin.

UofA Chabad Builds Home for Students

When Rabbi Yossi and Naomi Winner first moved to Tucson to start Chabad at the University of Arizona in 2005, they hosted Shabbat dinners in their two-bedroom house. By the end of the first year, they had nearly 100 students joining them, so they purchased a large tent for the backyard, outfitted it with an air-conditioning unit and converted it into a makeshift Chabad house. “We work with what we have,” says Rabbi Winner.

by Leisah Woldoff – Arizona Jewish News