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Rep. Anthony Weiner Resigns


Brooklyn Congressman Anthony Weiner resigned today in the wake of his scandal. Weiner addressed reporters Thursday afternoon at a senior citizens center in Brooklyn, apologizing to his neighbors, constitutents and his pregnant wife, Huma.

Women Dive Into Jewish Studies, Literally

Jewish college students study a text as part of Bais Chana International’s Snorkel and Study program in Key Largo, Fla.

Vashti Aguilar dove headfirst into Jewish studies – literally. The 19 year-old sophomore at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, had never been particularly observant, but she was always curious about her Judaism. So when an opportunity in January arose to travel to Key Largo, Fla., the diving capital of the world, and partake in a week-long “Snorkel and Study” retreat for college students sponsored by Bais Chana International, Aguilar jumped at the chance – wet suit, mask, fins and all.

YOEC Mesivta Learn Gemara By Heart

This past Sunday in addition to the monthly father son learning program arranged by the Shluchim of Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon Chabad Mesivteh in Los Angeles, there was a special award ceremony in which the twenty five Bochurim who completed a Mesechta by heart received a prize.

Oxnards Shabbaton to Remember

by Chabad House Compass Express

As the sun set over the beach in Oxnard, CA just a few weeks ago and ushered in the Shabbos, a group of girls at the West Coast regional CTeen Shabbaton began to get to know each other. Over the course of the weekend, a sense of relaxation, friendship and inspiration unfolded.

Emotional Isru Chag Kinus Torah at Tzeirei HaShluchim

Rabbanim and members of anash joined Yeshivas Tzeirei HaShluchim’s students for a special Isru Chag Kinus Torah in accordance with the Rebbe’s directive. The day’s learning was dedicated in merit of a complete recovery for Tzfat Shlucha, Rebbetzin Sarah Kaplan.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Mrs. Sara Blesofsky OBM

With sadness and deep pain we inform you of the untimely passing of Mrs. Sara Blesofsky of Crown Heights at the age of 58 after battling a lengthy illness.

Sara is survived by her husband Aaron and children Avremel (Fanwwod, NJ), Levi (Yorba Linda, CA), Chanie Kravitz (Los Angeles, CA), Shmuly (Crown Heights), Mendy Blesofsky (Crown Heights), Zeldy Blesofsky (Crown Heights), Boruch Sholom Blesofsky (Crown Heights).

Throne Speech Guest List Includes Ottawa Rabbi

File Photo: Rabbi Chaim Mendelsohn with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper during Chanukah Celebrations at the Premier’s residence.

With Ottawa Rabbi Chaim Mendelsohn in attendance, Prime Minister Stephen Harper opened the 41st Canadian Parliament by pledging to bring down the deficit, protect Aboriginal communities and creating a federal Office of Religious Freedom to “help protect religious minorities and to promote the pluralism that is essential to the development of free and democratic societies.”