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Eber’s Purim Liquor and Wine Sale

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Chicago Women Complete Six-Year Study of Tanya

After six years of studying, a group of women in Chicago have completed the entire Tanya. The group got together and completed their study of the Tanya, on the day after the 25th anniversary of the passing of the Rebbe

Video of the Day

Camp Gan Yisroel Parksville made a stop at the Rebbes Ohel in Queens Sunday afternoon for Gimmel tammuz. Just before entering they spent a minute singing Negunim in preparation. 

Prevention101: Is Bullying Really That Bad?

Operation Survival: Watch as Operation Survival discusses teenagers and parties where alcohol and drugs may be present, with Dr. Rona Novick for the prevention101 series. Mrs Novick is the Dean of the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration at Yeshiva University and holds the Raine and Stanley Silverstein Chair in Professional Ethics and Values.

95 UK Shluchim Celebrate 60 Years

Market Bosworth in Midland UK, the venue for many gatherings, was once again the scene of a very special Kinus Hashluchim with an emphasis on marking 60 years since Rabbi Nachman Sudak O”H together with his Rebbetzen Mrs Fradal TBLCH”T arrived in London to establish Lubavitch in the UK.