Photos: Videos of the Rebbe on Eastern Parkway
Over 1,000 men and woman gathered on Eastern Parkway for an inspirational program on the eve of Gimmel Tammuz. The program featured a number of videos of the Rebbe.
Over 1,000 men and woman gathered on Eastern Parkway for an inspirational program on the eve of Gimmel Tammuz. The program featured a number of videos of the Rebbe.
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Boquete, Panama is a small town in the Chiriqui province in Panama’s interior, little more than thirty miles away from the Costa Rican border. Known for its abundant natural beauty, steady mountain climate, and a currency linked to the American dollar, it is a popular destination for tourists, and North American retirees.
In its continuing efforts to keep up with increasing membership, Chabad of Fountain Hills, led by Rabbi Mendy and Tzipi Lipskier, purchased the former site of Gridleys, a retail store that closed in May.
Tuesday will mark twenty three years since the passing of our dear Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory. For the benefit of our readers, we have put together Minhogei Yom Hilulah, Mishnayos along with schedules of Tefilos in the Rebbes Room and House in the Extended Article.
In honor of Gimmel Tammuz, JEM presents this beautiful playlist of moving videos of the Rebbe. Also, JEM has announced that in connection with this day, for the next 24 hours, the Living Torah app will be unlocked and 100% free.
More than 20 Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis from Tel Aviv gathered at the office of Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Tel Aviv’s chief rabbi and former chief rabbi of Israel, to help him celebrate his 80th birthday and to express their appreciation for his longstanding friendship and support for Chabad emissaries in the city and around the world.
Rabbi Yisroel and Vivi Deren, Shluchim to Connecticut, who have experienced incredible tragedies in their lives, discuss the age-old question “why do bad things happen to good people?” with Rabbi Nachman Simon on the cable TV show The Jewish View.
An 87-year-old man with Alzheimer’s who traveled from Israel to New York for Gimmal Tammuz has disappeared on his way from the airport. His family is seeking the public’s assistance in locating him.
A bochur from Lakewood who was returning home for Pesach from his Yeshiva in Israel was arrested during a 2-hour stopover in Moscow, when Russian authorities found a bullet in his luggage that he kept as a souvenir from an Israeli soldier. After spending over three months in the Russian legal system, through the efforts of many activists in Russia and all over the world, he was finally released and returned home to his family.
In commemoration of 40 years since the Rebbe chose 12 Pesukim for children to learn and internalize, Cheder Menachem of New Jersey’s theme this year was The 12 Pesukim: Directions for Life. The finale of this project was the building of a Beis Hamikdosh out of 70,000 pieces of Lego.
A brand new Sefer Torah was completed Sunday afternoon by the Levy family – in the memory of their sister Chaya Mussia Levy, OBM. A joyous procession made its way through the streets of Crown Heights. The home of the new Torah will be at the Besht Center shul.
Please take a moment and say a Kapital Tehilllim for Tzophia Bella Bas Devorah Esther, a 4-year-old girl who is in critical condition following a drowning accident and is in need of our tefilos.
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Reb Moshe Chaimson OBM, an elder Chabad Chossid who lived in Jerusalem, Israel. He was 79 years old.