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Eber’s Tishrei Liquor and Wine Sale

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Photos: Last Night of Simchas Beis Hashoevah

A special energy radiated from the fullest crowd of the week, who danced non-stop knowing that this would be the last Simchas Beis Hashoevah of this year. At around 12:45am the crowd marched their way up Kingston Ave. to 770, where they recited the entire Tehillim as customary.

Separated by War and Communism, Brothers Reunite

The Jewish Week

Chabad Lubavitch of Rego Park. Inset: Gregory Solomon, left, looked for decades in vain for his half-brother, Meir Jakubovski.

At the start of Chabad of Rego Park’s recent Yom Kippur eve services, Rabbi Eli Blokh asked two men to hold the Torah scrolls in front of the ark as a visiting chazzan chanted Kol Nidre.

School President Visits Chabad Sukkah Mobile

[L-R] Phillip Kuperhause, psychology student and president of AEPi (the Jewish fraternity). Justin Hummel, business student and co-president of “The Link”. Rabbi Moshe Goldman. Dr. Max Blouw.

The president of Wilfrid Laurier University, one of Canada’s top schools for business, visited the Chabad sukkah mobile on campus on Tuesday and learned about the Arba Minim.

Israel Must Have a Death Penalty for Terrorists

by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

Arabs in the neighborhood of Ras al-Amud in Jerusalem celebrating the release of over 1000 terrorists.

No Jew, and indeed no decent person in whom there beats a human heart, could fail to be moved to tears by the reunion of Gilad Shalit and his family in Israel. Looking pale from years of being held in a cell and deprived of sunlight, and extremely shy due to years of being denied virtually all human contact, Israel welcomed home a hero for whom they had traded one thousand murderers, terrorists, and criminals committed to its destruction to keep true to its promise, that no soldier is ever forgotten or left behind.

NYC Bus Makes Women Ride in Back

New York World

On the morning of October 12, Melissa Franchy boarded the B110 bus in Brooklyn and sat down near the front. For a few minutes she was left in silence, although the other passengers gave her a noticeably wide berth. But as the bus began to fill up, the men told her that she had to get up. Move to the back, they insisted.