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New Shluchim to Canada Welcome Residents to Home

By Parvaneh Pessian for the News Durham Region

WHITBY — When Rabbi Tzali Borenstein was asked to arrange a Hanukkah Menorah lighting ceremony for local residents last December, he had no idea what kind of response it would generate.

Having recently arrived in Whitby from New York, the Rabbi had heard about a growing number of Jewish families in the region but wanted to see it for himself.

Breaking: Judge Rules, Gaboim must Return 770

A judge ruled that the Gaboim have 30 days to turn over possession of 770 to Aguch and Merkos. This ruling was ordered in a hearing this morning in state Supreme Court on 360 Adams Street before judge Bernadette Bayne who heard arguments from lawyers on both sides.

Higher Authority – The Pitfall Of Self Deification

By Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Jacksonville, Fl

Walking along a steep cliff, Jake accidentally came too close to the edge and, alas, off he went. Grabbing at a tree branch, he was luckily able to break the fall, but Jake new his troubles weren’t over. There was no way he could climb back up the steep cliff; neither could he hang on much longer. No wonder that a single glance at the canyon’s 1,000 foot drop, elicited a frantic cry for help.

After calling for some time, a responding voice could finally be heard: “Jake? Is that you there?
“Yes, yes, it is I! Where are you, I can’t see you?
”I am the Lord, Jake. I’m everywhere.“
”Oh G-d, is that really You?
“Yes son, as much as it’ll ever be!”
“Lord, I promise I’ll be a good person… I’ll never sin again; I’ll be a loyal servant for the rest of my life… Just get me out of this place! Please!”

“Easy on the promises son. First let’s get you out; then we can talk. Now listen carefully, here’s what you need to do.

Shliachs Attempt to Free Gilad Shalit

Rabbi Shmully Hecht, Shliach to Yale University in New Haven, CT and rabbinical adviser to the Jewish society at Yale, came up with a unique and innovative way to try and bring about the release of Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier who has been held captive by Hamas for over 4 years, by offering $5 million in aid to Gaza for Shalit’s freedom.

Tonight at the Besht – Rebel with a Holy Heart

Learn what the great Sage Elisha ben Abuya, the quintessential heretic in the Talmud, and the pork eating professor in modern day Jerusalem have in common…. Yes, man is filled with contradictions; sometimes our Jewish identity goes through a crisis. That is the story of life in a difficult world. But we most never identify the wrong we have done with our essence – the unsinkable soul.