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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 72% OFF Square Tempered Glass Metal Table

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Flash Furniture Barker 31.5”

Square Tempered Glass Metal Table

DEAL PRICE: $57.66 (72% OFF)


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Chabad of Rural Australia Marks Another Successful Winter

Chabad of RARA (Rural and Regional Australia) recently celebrated its Bar Mitzvah year. Since its inauguration in June 2000 (Tammuz 5760), one million kilometers have been traveled by over 70 groups of different Bochurim. RARA has contacts in over 250 different cities and towns and has helped to create and assist in 12 regional Jewish communities throughout Australia.

No Jew in Oklahoma Left Behind

The “roving rabbis” are making their way through Oklahoma. Moshe Sasonkin, of Akron, Ohio, and Levi Misholovin, of West Bloomfield, Mich., are spending their summer vacation traveling the country to provide for the needs of Jewish people throughout remote areas or towns with small Jewish populations.


300 Rabbinical Students Heading Out for Summer Sojourns

In 1948, Leibel Posner was about to spend five weeks on the road, traveling throughout the farmlands, towns and cities of New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania. Nowadays, even as air travel, GPS navigation and videoconferencing make for a more modern-day experience, the underlying themes of Torah, ahavas Yisrael (love of the Jewish people) and selfless dedication remain the same.

After Traveling 1 Million Km. RARA Marks 13 Years

Chabad of RARA (Rural and Regional Australia) has recently celebrated its Bar Mitzvah – 13th – year. Since the establishment of the organization by Shaul and Baila Spigler in 2000, over 1,000,000 kilometres have been traveled and over 70 groups of Bochurim have been sent out on RARA.

Merkos Shlichus: 500 Bocuhrim sent to 82 countries

How do hundreds of Yeshiva Bocuhrim prepare to leave their homes and set up the largest network of Passover sedorim in 82 countries around the world? That was the discussion for the 500 rabbinical students who gathered in Crown Heights on Tuesday. The day, a Yom Iyun, was dedicated to helping them prepare for the unique challenges and experiences of running a Passover Seder in far-flung cities around the world.

Over 700 Bochurim Prepare for Pesach Merkos Shlichus

Traveling across the globe to run a Seder in a isolated community for the Jewish families that would otherwise not have it is not a easy task. It means living your family for the holiday of Pesach and doing everything from a-to-z alone. from carrying matza and wine to Kashering a local kitchen as well as preparing to host a interactive Seder for some who this will be their only Jewish experience of the year.

Roving Rabbis Made Chanukah Special at Ski Resort

Roving Rabbis Zushi Rivkin and Levi Levitin in the Canadian Rockies.

BANFF, Alberta — The prestigious resort town of Banff, Alberta is not the type of place where you’d expect to find either Jewish students living far from home, or some “Roving Rabbis” looking to make someone’s Chanukah special.

The Survivor’s Wood-Carved Rabbi

Illustration Photo

Yesterday we visited Forsbacka, Sweden, 190 km north of Stockholm. There is only one known Jewish inhabitant there, but past experiences have proven that it’s quality over quantity. Our time in Forsbacka was no exception.

Renewing the Mezuzah Ritual

My San Antonio

Isabelle Forman greets Kopel Silberberg, left, and Eli Block, right, as they visit the Forman home to inspect and replace the mezuzahs that traditionally hangs at the entrance of Jewish homes.

Two student rabbis have been visiting San Antonio Jewish homes this past week, inspecting their mezuzahs — a ritual item posted on doorways — and offering to upgrade them for free.