Renewing the Mezuzah Ritual

My San Antonio

Isabelle Forman greets Kopel Silberberg, left, and Eli Block, right, as they visit the Forman home to inspect and replace the mezuzahs that traditionally hangs at the entrance of Jewish homes.

Two student rabbis have been visiting San Antonio Jewish homes this past week, inspecting their mezuzahs — a ritual item posted on doorways — and offering to upgrade them for free.

Many Jews take part in the mezuzah custom as a way to make visible their religious identity, while also inviting divine protection. A mezuzah is a case with a rolled scroll inside. Some are more decorative than others and focus on only the case.

But the scroll inside is what makes it a mezuzah, traditional rabbis say, and must have a key set of Hebrew scriptures written on parchment by a certified scribe.

“We desire to help people gain a deeper appreciation of this very well-known, but not totally appreciated and understood tradition,” said Rabbi Chaim Block, head of Chabad Lubavitch of South Texas, an Orthodox Jewish community in San Antonio.

Chabad organized the home-visitation program, which ends Thursday. Four student rabbis responded to requests by giving instruction, inspecting or installing free mezuzahs, which normally cost $35 each, they said.

Chabad is known for community outreach to help Jewish people discover or reawaken their faith. In inviting Jewish households to review their mezuzahs, Chabad is trying to reinforce their value to Jewish life. A kosher mezuzah scroll will have the essential Jewish prayer, called “Shema Yisrael” taken from the book of Deuteronomy.

Isabelle Forman of San Antonio took the offer.

Student rabbis Eli Block and Kopel Silberberg, both 19, stopped by earlier this week, toting a toolbox with new mezuzahs, nails, hammers and pamphlets titled, “Mezuzah, the Ultimate Home Security Device.”

Forman’s home had two existing mezuzahs. One was kosher. The other lacked a scroll. It was reattached with the help of Forman’s brother, Daniel, and tilted slightly according to custom.

The two student rabbis put up seven new ones on doorposts by the end of their visit. A half-hour later, Forman said the environment changed.

“I started feeling that the energy is just a lot better,” said Forman, 20, a college student who joined the Chabad community about two years ago. “It feels really good in my house now — just feels like a very good, clear energy.”

It is another step in her ongoing conversion process, she said.

She was adopted by Jewish parents and was considered a Jew in the Reform branch of Judaism in which she grew up. Chabad, as an Orthodox community, takes a more traditional approach to the faith and requires her conversion.

She now keeps a kosher diet, dresses modestly and walks to a synagogue for Sabbath services. The 24-hour Sabbath also has her avoiding the use of her cellphone, TV and going out to social events, as she once did.

The mezuzahs remind her more frequently of God’s presence and protection, she said.

“I feel like you can put up security devices and locks to feel very protected about a house,” Forman said. “I really do believe it’s God who protects us, and it’s good to be on his side.”


  • Shaala

    I applaud the work that our Shluchim do, but this story is problematic.

    If she is not Jewish, then there is a big Sha’ala here regarding affixing a Mezuzah to her door.

    Unless, of course, there is a part of this story not stated here.

  • Milhouse

    #1, Rebbi gave a mezuzah to Ardeban. That is 100% proof that there is no sha’ala about it, no matter what you will find written anywhere.

    The only reason not to leave a mezuzah on a goy’s house is for fear he won’t treat it with the proper respect. Since it’s clear that this woman will do so, there’s no reason not to entrust them to her.

  • #2

    If you read the artical it says she was adopted to a jewish family that means its a jewish house

  • Inspired

    Beautiful words by Mrs Forman! To hear that in middle of texas is really something…

  • Milhouse

    #9, wait until she’s Jewish! While she’s in the process she can’t date anyone.