Jewish outreach program reaches Duluth inmates

Mark Stodghill – Duluth News Tribune

Zalmi Klyne (right) and Meir Menkes (left) talk about interviewing Jewish men in federal prison Sunday afternoon at the Duluth News Tribune building in Duluth. [Derek Montgomery / News Tribune]

DULUTH, MN — Rabbinical students Meir Menkes and Zalmi Klyne have spent the past couple of weeks traveling with an ice chest in the backseat of their rental car, firing up a George Foreman grill to cook their kosher food, staying in Motel 6’s, and visiting Jewish prison inmates in Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana.

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City jail’s Jewish Cons Host Rabbinical Students

Johanna Ginsberg – NJ Jewish News

Rabbinical student Chaim Gurary, 21, helps Charlie Smith, an inmate at Northern State Prison in Newark, put on tefillin. Gurary’s visit to the prison is part of a national outreach effort to Jewish prison inmates across the country by the Aleph Institute, a branch of Chabad Lubavitch.

NEWARK, NJ — For the first time since his bar mitzva, Charlie Smith, an inmate at Northern State Prison in Newark, put on tefillin on July 1.

“It was very special,” he told NJJN in an interview afterward. “I felt something I haven’t felt in years — a deeper connection to my faith and my heritage I haven’t felt in a long time.”

Have Torah, Will Travel

Pat Gee – Star Bulletin

Rabbi Shmulik Schneerson (at right), a visiting emissary for the Chabad Lubavitch in New York, has just wrapped a black leather strap called the “tefillin” around the arm of a man (at left with his son) at the recent Israeli Day Festival. A special prayer, handwritten on parchment, is placed within the tefillin, which Orthodox Jewish men put on every day.

HONOLULU, HI — A young rabbi visiting Hawaii has seen the world’s remote corners as he seeks out Jews. When Rabbi Shmulik Schneerson takes his Torah on the road, there’s no place he won’t go to minister to Jews.

Pesach Merkos Shlichus around the World

BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — This year Pesach Merkos Shlichus was taken to a whole new level with tremendous success BH. Merkos sent an unprecedented 500 Bochurim to remote and distant locations in Africa, China, Turkey, Russia, Thailand, India, Mexico, Colombia, Europe and more, making it possible for thousands more Jews to partake in the Pesach experience.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Pesach Merkos Shlichus for all Shluchim

Every year for Pesach Merkos Linyonai Chinuch sends Hundreds of Bochrim to lead Sedorim in communities around the world making it possible for thousands of more Yiddin to partake in the Pesach experience.

While every year has a greater success then the one before it, this year it is being taken to a whole new level. Any Shliach that would like to have Buchrim help with the sedorim will be helped By Merkos.

Shofar Sounded for the first time since 1942!

(AP Photo/Srdjan Ilic)

NOVI SAD, Serbia [CHI] –- Novi Sad is the second largest city in Serbia, the former Yugoslavia. In 1942 the holocaust devastated the Jewish community there, killing all of its 800 members. Now for the first time in over 55 years Rabbis Motti Seligson and Saadya Notik both from New York blew the Shofar in front of the synagogue in Novi Sad.

Motti and Saadya were sent out on Merkos Shlichus by Merkos Linyonai Chinuch where they have been visiting countries of the former Yugoslavia as well Bosnia and Hungry as a part of Chabad-Lubavitch’s global Jewish enrichment program.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Operation Outback

The JC

PERTH, WA, Australia — Jews in the Australian Outback? It sounds like a Jewish joke, right? Wrong.

Had history turned out differently, there would have been a Jewish colony in the desolate far north of Western Australia, where 75,000 Jews from Nazi Europe would have been resettled with Aborigines as neighbours.

Dubbed the “Kimberley Project”, the little-known plan was quashed by Australian prime minister John Curtin in 1944.

For Those Who Can’t Go to Yeshiva, Students Bring it to Them

Dovid Zaklikowski –
Martin Glazer, a lawyer, and Yisroel Wolf study Talmud at the Lubavitch Centre of Winnipeg, Canada.

WINNIPEG, Canada — This summer, a handful of Chabad-Lubavitch yeshiva students dedicated a good portion of their vacation to helping others learn the intricate beauty of Judaism, its texts and philosophy. In two locations ñ Winnipeg, Canada, and Toledo, Ohio ñ the bochurim brought their yeshiva, so to speak, directly to the communities there.

Another Shipment to the Disaster Area

ICA, Peru [CHI] — On Tuesday three bochurim flew from Lima, Peru to Ica bringing food, clothes and water that was donated by the local Jewish community to the Chabad House with a lot of freshly baked goods. The baked products were baked in the Chabad House in Lima headed by Rabbi S.Z. Blumenfeld, and were sent to be distributed to the people of Ica and Pisco that were affected by the eqarthquake this past Thursday.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Where Cows Outnumber People, Roving Rabbis Reach Out to Uruguayís Jews

Dovid Zaklikowski –
Bernardo Brysk, one of the last two Jews living in Bella Union, Uruguay, affixes a mezuzah to his door as Rabbi Bentzion Shemtov looks on.

Montevideo, Uruguay — In Uruguay, cows outnumber people five to one. Half of the South American nation’s more than 3 million people live outside of its capital city, Montevideo, scattered across some 68,000 square miles. It counts as one of the least densely populated countries in the world.

Jews in South Korea Gather for a Rare Kosher Meal
A Jewish resident of South Korea affixes a mezuzah to his door

Seoul, South Korea — Chabad-Lubavitch rabbinical students who met with South Korea’s Jews this summer ended their journey last week with a kosher gathering for the entire Jewish community.

Outreach Finds Many Jews

Deborah Moon – Jewish Review
Portland Rabbi Chayim Mishulovin, center, welcomes
visitors (from left) Rabbi Mendel Stein, Rabbi Avrohom
Simmonds, Shraga Putter and Rabbi Levi Herzog.

Portland, OR — Pairs of rabbinic students and recently ordained rabbis traveling in Oregon are finding so many Jews, that they aren’t covering as much ground as they expected to this summer.

Chabad of Oregon hosted three teams participating in the 60-year-old Rabbinical Student Visitation Program, also known as the “Jewish Summer Peace Corp,” according to local Rabbi Chayim Mishulovin. The educational arm of the Lubavitch movement, Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, sends pairs of rabbinic students to small Jewish communities around the globe each summer.

Spreading the Jewish Faith

Capital News
Rabbi Yisroel Kotlarsky, from New York City, blows on a Shofar rams horn, used to help celebrate the Jewish new year. Along with Rabbi Simcha Zajac, from Montreal.

Kelowna, BC, Canada — Chabad-Lubavitch is a Jewish organization based out of New York, whose summer program for their university students aims to connect disparate members of the Jewish community together and give them support and resources for observance in everyday life.

Rabbis Reach Out to Rural Jews

Rabbis Levi Slonim and Yitzchok Steiner from Brooklyn, N.Y.
pack the trunk of their car before they leave Boise and head
to northern Idaho on a summer-long community outreach
to Jews living in isolated areas.

Boise, ID — ‘Lubavitch Summer Peace Corps’ aims to spread joy, culture.

“The Nazis hunted down Jews with utter animosity.

”The antidote to such cruelty is to search for every Jew and reach out to them with absolute and unconditional love.”

Traveling Rabbis Levi Slonim and Yitzchok Steiner will be heading back to Brooklyn, N.Y., Monday after a 15-day excursion to connect with Jews in rural Idaho.

A day of Merkos Shlichus in Hungary

By Yankel Behrman
Szekesfehervar Holocaust Memorial

To say that I enjoy visiting small Hungarian villages looking for that one lonely Jew would be a lie. Demanding, exhausting and nerve-racking would be the honest way to describe it. Even If I did find that one Jew living alone in some old eastern european house,in a village filled with the aroma of goulash and grantetush. I don’t speak Hungarian nor do they speak Hebrew, Yiddish or  English, so communication consisted of me asking are you Jewish in Broken Hungarian, showing them Tefilin and getting back on the road for another two hour drive.

On A Mission

<%image(20070806-Rabbis.jpg|350|233|Rabbis Yitzchok Steiner and Levi Slonim are making their way through Idaho.)%>

Rabbis Yitzchok Steiner and Levi Slonim are making their way through Idaho.

Lewiston, ID — A couple of travelers are reaching out to Northern Idaho ‘s Jewish community.

They’re calling it Judaism in a suitcase. Two Chabad Labavitch rabbis are roaming northern Idaho , an area that doesn’t usually see many men of their faith.

Video report in the Extended Article