Chabad sends Bochurim to Aid Earthquake Victims in Peru

Ica, Peru — When Rabbi Shneur Zalmn Blumenfeld, the head Shliach to Peru heard reports that there were tens of Israelis trapped in Ica from the 7.9 magnitude earthquake he immediately rushed to send 2 Bochurim, who were in the region on Merkos Shlichus to the disaster area.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Due to the damage to the highways it was impossible to get there via bus or train and thanks to Rabbi Blumenfeld many contacts he was able to get the Bochurim onto an unscheduled flight that was going there to evacuate injured people.

When the Bochurim arrived, they rushed to the disaster area where the Israeli were located. Due to the fact that they had just been there 2 weeks prior on Merkos Shlichus – arranged by Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky – this greatly helped them in their efforts. They found many Israelis and American Jews trapped without food, water or electricity. The Israelis were astounded how Chabad had reached them even in Ica! The bochurim distributed hot food, bread, water, cakes and cookies to all the toursits who until then had been surviving on whatever snacks they had left. They also distributed food to local residents

The Bochurim then Farbreng’d by candlelight throughout the night encouraging them and lifting the morale. They also helped them establish contact with their families.