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New Haven Whatsapp Group Keeps Police Informed

Residents of New Haven, Connecticut, feel much safer these days amid the rising popularity of a Whatsapp group that keeps tabs on the neighborhood’s safety and keeps police in the loop about any criminal or suspicious activity. The group was founded a year ago by Lubavitcher resident Mendy Katz, and already boasts over 500 vetted participants, including many police precincts.

Last-Ditch Letter to Obama for Rubashkin Pardon

On Tuesday, President Barack Obama announced that he had commutated the sentences of 209 individuals and pardoned 64 others. Members of the Orthodox Jewish community were dismayed to see that Sholom Rubashkin’s name was not among those issued clemency, prompting New York City Councilman Chaim Deutsch write an open letter to the president in a last-ditch effort for clemency.