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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 58% OFF 110W Portable Solar Panel

Grab this perfect InfoDeal!

110W Portable Solar Panel

Foldable with Carry Case

High 23% Efficiency

IP68 Water & Dustproof Design

DEAL PRICE: $169.00 (58% OFF)


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Mazal Tov's View More

Here’s My Story: Humility

In 1977, when I graduated from the New York College of Podiatric Medicine, after doing a residency at Maimonides Hospital, I opened an office in Crown Heights. Part of the reason I chose Crown Heights was that, although not being Chabad Lubavitch myself, I had a very nice feeling toward the Chabad community.

by Dr. Elliot Udell

My Mother’s Shabbos Candles

This coming Shabbos, Chof Menachem Av, marks the Shloshim of our mother, Bracha Finkelstein, OBM. In her honor we want to share with you that which she instilled within my sister and I, the power of Jewish women and their Shabbos candles. We ask you to join us in honoring her with the mitzvah uniquely given to the Jewish women.

by Sarah Goldberg