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InfoDeals Daily Deal – Men’s Slim Fit Suit

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Ladies (and Not Gentlemen): the Bulletproof Stockings!

Times of Israel

Dalia G. Shusterman, wearing bright red lipstick and a cropped jean jacket, and Perl Wolfe, in a leopard print top, look the part of alternative rock musicians. They talk about “wailing and rocking out” and list influences like Radiohead, the White Stripes, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Jane’s Addiction.

Levaya Info for Reb Moshe Teleshevsky, OBM

The Levaya for Reb Moshe Teleshevsky, OBM, will begin at 9:30 Thursday morning, the second day of Chol Hamo’ed Sukkos, at the Shomrei Hadas Chapels in Boro Park, from where it will leave at 10:00. It will pass by 770 at 10:30am.

Op-Ed: What Makes Them Tick?

by Simcha Poretz Geder

Every Tishrei, along with many of my peers, I was turned off anew at the scene in Crown Heights. I would be disgusted at the pushy, sweaty orchim, the homeless girls sleeping in 770 and the general feeling of ‘hefker’ness…

PSA: New City Buses Equipped with Ticket Cameras

You may have noticed the newest fleet of MTA buses. Each of them is now equipped with a camera linked to the Parking Violations Bureau. If a bus pulls into a bus stop and there is a car standing there – even if the car is running – the bus’ camera will take a picture of the license plate and the owner will receive a $165 ticket in the mail.

Picture of the Day: Picking Esrogim in Yorba Linda

Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie teaches students of the North County Chabad Hebrew School in Yorba Linda, California about the Mitzvah of Esrog, firsthand. These Esrogim were harvested at the Chabad center from seeds of Yanover Esrogim.

Markowitz’s Trucks Bring Breakfast to Hungry Guests

Nachum Markowitz‘s grand Kidushim and food distributions have been a staple of Tishrei in Lubavitch for the past 31 years. Since last year, in addition to all that, guests, students, and residents have been treated by Markowitz and his generous partners and donors to lavish breakfasts each morning of Sukkos.

Chabad Rabbis Head to Great Outdoors

Wall Street Journal

Jackson, Wyoming. Inset: Rabbi Zalman Mendelsohn with his three children.

Chabad Rabbi Zalman Mendelsohn strolled the streets here in one of the West’s most picturesque tourist towns, looking for Jewish travelers. “Shalom! Shalom!” he shouted, approaching a family lingering near Jackson’s town square. “Are you, by any chance, Jewish?”