Photos: Besht Celebrates President’s Birthday

Members of the Crown Heights Besht Center, along with family and friends, gathered for a Farbrengen last night to celebrate the 26th birthday of the Center’s beloved president, Sruly Clapman.

The Farbrengen took place at the home of the Clapmans on Montgomery Street, and lasted until the early hours of the morning.

Attending the Farbrengen and sharing words of inspiration was Rabbi Yehudah Clapman, renowned Sofer in the community, and Rabbi Shmuel Kuperman, Rabbi of the Besht, among others.


  • menachem

    The Besht is the greatest thing to happen to Crown Heights recently

    hands down..

  • yochanan

    The Besht. I love that place if i ever go to shul,I go there because sruli and the other board members make me fell so comfortable.
    Happy birthday Sruli, and thanks for being so kind