Nachum Markowitz's grand Kidushim and food distributions have been a staple of Tishrei in Lubavitch for the past 31 years. Since last year, in addition to all that, guests, students, and residents have been treated by Markowitz and his generous partners and donors to lavish breakfasts each morning of Sukkos.
Markowitz’s Trucks Bring Breakfast to Hungry Guests
Nachum Markowitz‘s grand Kidushim and food distributions have been a staple of Tishrei in Lubavitch for the past 31 years. Since last year, in addition to all that, guests, students, and residents have been treated by Markowitz and his generous partners and donors to lavish breakfasts each morning of Sukkos.
Trucks could be seen today delivering hundreds of cases of juice, milk, cereal, cakes, and fruit to 770, which will surely bring joy to many during “Zman Simchaseinu.”
May Hashem bless you and your family and give you strength for many more years to continue in doing this big Mitzvah.
So if we all go to Israel with no plans of where to stay or what to eat, will someone do this for us?
Hard to imagine.
What a waste of money.
Nice but we must rethink our priorities
I don’t know how he does. I also don’t know WHY he does it….there are hundreds of families in Crown Heights struggling to feed their families, pay rent & tuition, who don’t have access to free milk (& chocolate milk DUH!!!) OJ, sandwiches & cakes.
He is a kind & generous person, no doubt about it, and it is admirable, but apart from Benjy & CSSY & Mrs Scheiner (who give out staples) who gives out nice treats to our families? Do they get free chocolate milk & crates of OJ for their children? How about fresh & tasty mezonos? Do THEY get “lavish breakfasts” every day of Sukkos?
Way to go Markowitz
thank you
keep it up!!!!!!
CH Family
I’d love to get some of that for my family!
to 3
Dear “3” why dont you go out and see who exactly are getting these breakfasts and eating from his trucks. Little CROWN HEIGHTS kids and CROWN HEIGHTSERS
Everyone comes. Lefties, righties, men, women and children. Everyone of Hashem’s kids.
Aside for that, this man helps so many people in the nbrhd all year round
re: 3
“Priorities?” Feeding the rebbes guests are enough but how abt the little poor Crown Heighets kids you can see gulping down choklate milk and making sure to be at 770 early to be able to enjoy the “luxury”.
And since when is it a “luxury” to provide the best on Yom Tov!?!?!
This man is a true tzadik and I am thankful to him – his supporters – and his family who must be support too.
I spied
I saw rabbi markowitz bringing cases of goods to needy CH’ers
chesed olam yibane
I support the Kidush at least modestly because
A) I grew up eating from the Kidush on Yom Tov and my parents always depended on it for us
B) I see so many Anash and their mishpachas eating and taking home from the trucks
leah?! for real?
Leah I can’t imagine for a second that your family and friends have not directly eaten from the kidush. Impossible.
There isn’t a Tomim, Shliach, or Lubavither who have been to CH for YT and not participated
The rebbe and rebbetzin said such beatiful things about Nachums kidushim
Ill second that!
rebbes kidush
I remember when the Rebbe corrected the Gaboim in 770 when they invited the mispalelim to the “Kidush,” the rebbe said “a GROISEH Kidush”
kol hamevorech
May hashem almighty bless this man with exactly what he gives to crown heights: shefa, shefa, shefa and more shefa!
brocha and joke
Nochum is a emese osek betzorchei tzibur. We need more like him who think and do things beharchava and with love.
Joke: nochum, now that there are no more parking meters on kingston you can use all of those quarters you deposit in the meters to save yidin from getting tickets towards the food! :)
Hakodosh baruch hu yishalem secharcha
so go get it
Hey 6, so go and get it. Its all there. That’s why its there. Its not a museum of food. Its a food distribution and open kidush. What’s wrong with you?
lech echol besimcha
The article says clearly that its for “residents”
Stop complainging annonymously and go eat with joy as the rebbe said
Es yidin es
Kol Hakovod
More people should do what he does
amazing!!!much brocha and hatzlacha!!!
Eden far yidin
Firstly it says it’s for residents second since when do we say who deserves food more or less a yid is a yid period
to number 2 because the guest come with no planing it does not mean it is a waste of money
A friend, now far away
Nochum Markowitz is always there to help Yidden in any way he can, and this public work is just what most of us see. And yes, CH residents benefit from the kiddush, the water for the tahalucha and everything else he does during Tishrei. For me, it just meant a more comfortable and convenient Tishrei experience, but for others it is the only food they get during yom tov.
He does not have an organization (other than for what he does to support his relative’s shlichus in impoverished Ofakim). Instead, he is a Yid who helps other Yidden in any way he can, and he helps many in CH and even in EY who fall through the cracks of those who do have organizations.
its amazing
The scene of hungry bochurim and kids enjoying a hearty breakfast is overwhelmingly beautiful
and, im looking forward to the hot soup and fleish R’nachum provides us all with during yom tov
ch giant
Reb Nachum helps families and people in crown heights throughout the year
thank you nochum
This man LIVES to do favors and chesed for fellow yidin. He shld be running our communitt chessed initiatives
I knw that just before Yom Tov a number of families (my relatives included, that’s how I know) received sudden help with food for the seudos shtileheit.
May Hashem bless you openly!
grateful yid
Does anyone know if he’s serving food from Mendys this year again? Plse post if anyone has info as my family can use it. Thank you
-grateful yid