The Levaya for Reb Moshe Teleshevsky, OBM, will begin at 9:30 Thursday morning, the second day of Chol Hamo'ed Sukkos, at the Shomrei Hadas Chapels in Boro Park, from where it will leave at 10:00. It will pass by 770 at 10:30am.

Levaya Info for Reb Moshe Teleshevsky, OBM

The Levaya for Reb Moshe Teleshevsky, OBM, will begin at 9:30 Thursday morning, the second day of Chol Hamo’ed Sukkos, at the Shomrei Hadas Chapels in Boro Park, from where it will leave at 10:00. It will pass by 770 at 10:30am.


  • Here is what the Rebbe said about R- Moi

    In a book given out by the Gurary family it is written about a Yechidus R’ Zalman Gurary had with the Rebbe:

    The Rebbe shared with Reb Zalman of the Nachas caused to him by 3 Chasidim.

    One is R’ Moishe Gurkov from Boston…

    The second Chosid is the Chosid R’ Moishe Teleshevsky…

    The third Chosid is the Chosid R’ Michoel Teitlebaum….

    The details as they are recorded in this book are somewhat not as remembered by those who heard it from R’ Zalman gurary at the time. So for those who want, they can read what is written in the book, however I will share as it was remembered by friends and family who heard it from Reb Zalman when he came running excitedly to share the story with Reb Moishe and some of his relatives.

    The Rebbe told Reb Zalman that he has three Chassidim, one is R’ Moishe Gurkov because he left on Shlichus to Boston immediately after a Farbrengen that the Rebbe spoke strongly about Shlichus without any planing and other preparations.

    The second one was Reb Michoel Teitlebaum because he went ahead and did everything he knew the Rebbe wanted done without waiting for the Rebbe’s approval and guidance on details.

    The other was Chazzan R’ Moishe Teleshevsky who was instructed by the Rebbe during a Yechidus on a Thursday night at 2:30 AM to leave the city where was living at the time, and he just came out from Yechidus and called his sleeping wife and told her to be ready for him in the AM when he will fly back from New York to pick her up to move back to New York that very day which was a wintery Friday. And they actually ended up staying in a Motel on the way over Shabbos, just to follow the Rebbe’s instruction without hesitation.

    And the Rebbe appreciated this so much to the point that he called him one of his three Chasidim.

    I’m sure more will come out in the coming days.

    Yosef Katzman