Every Tishrei, along with many of my peers, I was turned off anew at the scene in Crown Heights. I would be disgusted at the pushy, sweaty orchim, the homeless girls sleeping in 770 and the general feeling of 'hefker'ness…
Op-Ed: What Makes Them Tick?
Every Tishrei, along with many of my peers, I was turned off anew at the scene in Crown Heights. I would be disgusted at the pushy, sweaty orchim, the homeless girls sleeping in 770 and the general feeling of ‘hefker’ness…
Until one Tishrei, I decided to play Devil’s Advocate. What exactly it is that makes these Israelis tick? Let me feel what they feel, see what they see and look at the Rebbe, 770 and Crown Heights through their eyes. I have nothing to lose.
I sat down with a few of the girls who practically live in 770. I challenged, eavesdropped and observed as they studied Sichos and Maamorim, as they Farbrenged and listened to Shiurim. I came as a cynic, scoffing… but in the end, the joke was on me.
I guess it’s true that you find what you look for. I needed these foreigners to come show me what I had in my backyard my whole life.
That Tishrei was life-changing. It was the first time I realized the holiness of where I was, and I was blown away. I was bowled over by these girls’ heartfelt passion and Chaishek for the Rebbe, and I was humbled by their sincere belief that the Rebbe will be nisgaleh instantaneously. I had never seen anything like it in my life.
These girls had never gone to Manhattan or done any of the typical NYC sightseeing, and had no plans for it. They had saved up a year’s worth of hard-earned Agurot of babysitting money, summer jobs and even menial labor for “Tishrei im haRabbi”, to literally sit on the benches of 770 for a month straight and store up all the inspiration they needed for the year ahead.
I gained a newfound inspiration in the familiar Tishrei scene. I squished in 770 on Simchas Torah in an exhilarating, breathless mush; I watched the pure joy of the faces of the dancing Chassidim; my breath was taken away at the sight of Tahalucha… and through it all, I felt the Rebbe with me, something I’d never experienced before. On Isru Chag, I was inspired to the point of making life-altering Hachlatos while sobbing and thanking the Rebbe at the Ohel.
It was then that it struck me: Where there is the most potential, the Satan causes intense disharmony; he knows just what we Lubavitchers can accomplish when we stand in unity. If we choose to stop condemning our brothers and concentrate instead on the beauty that unites us, there’s no doubt that we will change the world, and literally bring Moshiach now.
What a positive op-ed for a change, thanks.
Yasher choiach dear guests!!!
You know, I’ve always felt this way too.
I mean don’t you think it would be much easier for these girls to stay in the comfort of their own homes , in the familiar territory of there own cities?????
I don’t think I would ever be able to muster up the misiras nefesh to live this way for a whole month, would you???
Thank you for your excellent message, point well taken!!
thanks for spreading a little truth to the chabad world!!!!!!!
rose of the valley
The joke was indeed on you; what started as an arrogant article full of strange conceit apparently for no other reason than that the writer is one of the “chosen ones” of Crown Heights and not a sweaty “foreigner”(what a misnomer from a pen of one Jew to describe another), had finally landed on her face with the discovery that her balloon was full of holes.
I do commend you highly for your candor and for willing to own up to your former folly.
What exactly do these travelers accomplish in Crown Heights that can’t be accomplished in Tzfas or Yerushalayim?
Unfortunately the Rebbe is no longer speaking or farbrenging in 770. Without the Rebbe here, Crown Heights is way inferior to the Ir Hakodesh.
Wish I felt inspired, too...
However, this year, unlike you, I felt that I had it with the girls that come here, and have no concern for anyone else’s spirituality. I had a shoeless girl with her foot in my face. She ended up kicking me, so I guess I was fortunate that she came to Shule without normal shoes. I left 770 in disgust, who wants to spend YK , with a foot in your face and then getting kicked. Some girls are on a spiritual high, unfortunately, their actions do not reflect an elevated state, but rather the opposite, if you get the drift.
I won-t get fooled again
You must have met the dozen or so who come for the “right” reasons. How about hanging out by Kingston Avenue subway & see the shopping bags the rest of them come back with – Macy’s, J&R, Century, DSW, Best Buy, even B&H. These are the ones you open your homes to (I don’t, with good reason), the ones Bais Moshiach beg you to take in because, poor things, they don’t have where to sleep.
I used to be fooled as well. Not any more, I wised up and now I don’t care if they sleep on a park bench. I resent being blackmailed, they expect us all to give them beds, showers, food and unlimited use of the phone. These holier than thou fahfrumpt girls are frauds. I’m glad the author had a positive impression. I have been on the receiving end of attitude and I only have negative feelings thanks to my experiences. I can’t wait for them to leave.
Thanks for bringing the truth!!
Maybe the american girls should learn from the israeli……
Yay to the crown heights locals!
Don’t be so tough on the crown heights locals! They surely know and appreciate what they have all year round. I have a son there now and he has been shown nothing but kindness and support from people he doesn’t know/ barely knows. Thank you !
Good old fashioned Ha]chnasat
Sinat Chinam yet again. Judge your self and your own shopping habits before you do others!!!!!! Its non of your business!! You have a chance to do Hacnasat Orchim, and you FAIL!! Hachnasat Orchim is not only for the poor. Its for any one who can use a smile and a warm home made kosher meal. If you dont want to welcome them into your homes thats fine!! But atleast have the decency to offer a smile rather than a – I belong here, and you don’t.
Hendels desk
H a Ha !
I cant believe….all the commentators but especially CrownHeights.info were just had !!
Are you blind ?? This article comes straight from Mendy Hendel’s desk ( or one of his cohorts ) and it duped you all.
It was very clever that there is no mention of Moshiach or pro Meshichist ramblings in the article, but it is a pro Hendel article nonetheless.
Wants to give you a warm and respectful feeling for his Eshel.
Open your eyes ! Read between the lines.
#11, get a life.
to 5 in kuntres bies rabienu shebebovel it says exactly what you gain a meain of the bies hamikdash wher the shcina is ect
to 5 in kuntres bies rabienu shebebovel it says exactly what you gain a meain of the bies hamikdash wher the shcina is ect
male view
You know, I never looked at it that way. Sort of, I guess, when we go to Israel and go to the kosel and other kvurim. Thank you for opening my eyes.
Very inspiring & with many Bachurim it is similar except they go on Mivtzoyim as the Rebbe wants. But this also proves a larger ignored point that Hacnosas Orchim in Crown Heights is offically DOA it has been replaced with greed & selfishness While some do an excellent job such as those Like Nachum MArkovitz & the committee who take upon themselves to help feed the many guests. But housing wise is a complete failure! replaced by greed! look at the ads on any given day for apts for Yomtov & look at the prices they are trying to get & in many cases do get& the amount of people willing to take in Orchim even for eating is down al in all Hacnosas orchim DOA
moshe x
people getting inspired is all very nice and chassidish…… but who in their right mind sends their daughter away for a month without a normal place to stay?????
in my opinion these parents should immediately seek medical attention,
shlomo as always with bad English
and what about people that take $2000 for little room in basement for tishrey? they like orhim.
truth that you can study in lubavich system and not come to tishrey, if you haven’t really hard reason, they trow you from eshiva, or machon. this is only reason. if it will be free i think %10-5 realyy come. and when you come w/o money you sit in 770 24hr daily and study